Thursday, January 28, 2010


I am waiting for my Sister to go in to labor.

Full moon is upon us. Well it is on SAturday, but the surges should start. Kid is being a jerk. People are moody all over........
so I figure sometime between now and midnight she'll go in to labor. but Because she is a Huge Jerk and doesn't like to be told what to do, she'll go in to labor tomorrow.
So I am waiting till tomorrow midnight for labor to start. She'll do it just to show me up.
I'm sure she'll have them in her arms by Sunday!
I am also thinking, at least one of them is closer to 6lbs than she thinks. and I am still hoping for that little girl, but we'll see ........... rumor has it ........ they both have definite boy parts. ARG! I wanted a girl for her and my brother in-law. Oh Well.
i am excited for their arrival!!

1 comment:

holymotherofgod said...

and and and and...????