Yesterday was such a quiet day. She didn't talk at all.
Mntn said she was up at 5 and went down the hall to the livingroom - looked around and then went in to Charley's room to her pillow. She is still looking for him ....... we all are. She was, what I would say, angry last night. There was a gift bag on the floor. She normally would play inside it. you know how kittens do. In out, under. Leaping and running. She didn't this time. She chewed and ripped this bag. Not in a playful way, like using her feet. Just chewed. Getting out her frustrations her anger. we let her.
I've already cried 4 times this morning. He was everywhere. Active in All parts of our lives. Our morning routine our afternoon, our evening .............. He was another one of my kids. He helped me wake Charley every morning ........... he said Goodbye to his dad every day and waited at the door when he was supposed to be home for Shed time.........Car rides. He laid next to my thigh while I drove, he would lick my hand as I pet him. My poor Lilac tree ....... he totally dug. He was a digger and a licker this boy of mine. Dug holes in my garden like a dog would. HUGE holes. his favorite spot to dig was all the fine dirt around my lilac tree. I planted alyssum and lobelia there and he promplty dug it up. I planted seeds ...... those are gone too. I built up that littel bed and made it higher ......he took out half the dirt ........ my impatients .....dug up .......what a character. He would chew on and attack my lambskin rug in the living room. The sheepskin mattress cover .......oh my. Scratches in my newly painted walls from him climbing the front door to get out. jumping to the hall window ........... I can thank Auggy for my new blinds. Had he not hunted that fly into them .............. he had chewed on the other ones. just chewed, even after i yelled at him to "cut it out!"
it nice to hear Whisky's voice. I hope she keeps talking. She misses him as much we all do. Probably more. He was her constant. she's never known any different.
ok. Time for School!
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