Monday, June 21, 2010

today i see the Great Dr. Chu
its been a wait of about 6 mnths to get in. he will check me out and see what is up with my muscles. i feel disgusting and fat. My neck is still real sore and my spine is stiff. The appointment is an hour long. I'll probably be very sore tonight.
Still have not heard about my practicum. its upsetting me. i think they are trying to get me in to Envision. I hope so. I jsut want to pull in some money and the longer it takes to work for free the longer it is till I bring home my own money!
This accident thing -- i think about it and I am very pleased to have been able to turn such a negative thing in to so much positive. i mean i have worked really hard to focus on all the silver linings and try to not dwell on the negative. Even though there has been a lot of negative ........ the lawyer was asking me the other day what I don't do anymore. i was having such a hard time thinking about stuff because i really have trained my brain hard to look at the glass half full and change how I do things. I should say its been like that the whole time. I have gone thru some awful bouts of depression over the last year. I've managed to pull myself out of them pretty quick, but they've been there.
It sucks to go from being able to do things like move my own appliances, furniture, taking out the garbage ect. To having to wait for Mntn to get home to do it for me. To go from being freakishly strong for a girl to ......... still being strong, but not being able to do it anymore. From being totally self sufficient, being able to do what any man could do so I don't need one to ..................... needing? To always having pain. Some kind of pain. I think back to last summer ....... i was in so much pain all the time i was numb. Does that make sense? i remember coming home from work on some days and throwing up cuz i hurt so much. Then I was jsut so used to it. The pain that is. So used to it I'd forgotten what it was like not to hurt like that. Some days were so much worse than others and I continued to power thru.
Even now. My neck is killing me. I really hope this Dr. Chu Dude can do something for me


Kristi Lou said...

he wants to send me for an MRI

steph said...

Yikes! Is it that bad?

Kristi Lou said...

he just wants to see in the joint

Kristi said...

Intra-articular snapping hip syndrome
Similar causes as extra-articular snapping hip syndrome but often with an underlying mechanical problem in the lower extremity. The pain associated with internal variety tends to be more intense and therefore more debilitating than the external variety.[3] Intra-articular snapping hip syndrome is often indicative of injury such as a torn acetabular labrum, recurrent hip subluxation, ligamentum teres tears, loose bodies, articular cartilage damage, or synovial chondromatosis (cartilage formations in the synovial membrane of the joint).[5]

The acetabular labrum (glenoidal labrum of the hip joint or cotyloid ligament in older texts) is a ring of cartilage that surrounds the acetabulum (the socket of the hip joint).
Its function is to deepen the acetabulum, making it more difficult for the head of the femur to slip out of place (sublux).

A subluxation may have different meanings, depending on the medical specialty involved. It implies the presence of an incomplete or partial dislocation (Latin: luxatio)[1] of a joint or organ.[2] The World Health Organization (WHO) defines both the medical subluxation and the chiropractic subluxation. It contrasts the two and states in a footnote that a medical subluxation is a "significant structural displacement, and therefore visible on static imaging studies."