Thursday, July 22, 2010


Hip Hip Hooray!!!

my test is done. That's it. All the schooling I needed to do is finsihed. Gosh I hope i passed. That ICBC test was ......... well it was tricky is what it was. I had to look up everything. Took the full 2 1/2 hours. I guess I didn't have to look up some stuff, but I did anyway, just to be sure.
So now I have holidays till I get the results!
Charley is only here for a couple more days before she goes to camp.
wAnted to do a road trip, but I guess thats not going to happen. DArn it! I love road trips! hmmm - what to do tomorrow.
i really hope I passed .................... *sigh*

1 comment:

steph said...

good for you! Time for some R&R!