Sunday, August 01, 2010


it was a year ago today I brought August home.
I've spent some time crying and missing him. As a matter-of-fact i have tears rolling down my cheeks right now. I miss him sooo much. He wasn't like a cat. it was like he was a person, that woke one day as a cat, and just was trying to make the best of it. He was such a special friend to me.
i will never forget that day, barely being able to walk. Going in to that pet store for fish food, and there he was. in a plexiglass box. Staring out at me with those big blue eyes. A teenage kitty that nobody wanted because he wasn't perfect enough. As I held him, limp as a sack of sugar, his arms around my neck ......... then he licked me. That was it he was mine and there was no way I was leaving him there.
There wasn't a mean bone in his body.
Its been months since that awful long weekend in May.
i still can't bring myself to drive down the road he lost his life on.
There's a hole in my heart. I can't believe the impact he has had on my life. His life was such a blessing to mine.
I Love You Auggy

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