Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Finally got my results!

i passed! I can call my practicum host tomorrow and hopefully get started on Monday! Hopefully! ACK! Then maybe, just maybe I can get a nice steady part-time job in the office! Pleeeeez? Pretty Please with Sugar and Strawberries on top


steph said...

Congratulations!!!! Very happy for you!

just some dude said...

Hey!! Not dead yet! Me that is, and that's a quote from a Monty Python movie.... yeah, notmaking sense. I've been drinking. how have you been?! :-)

Kristi said...

thanks Woman!

feeling jilted by my practicum host at the moment ......

DUDE -- good to hear from you! I am Great. Movig Forward, engaged, got a pre-teen on my hands ...... life is a Funky ride