Saturday, September 11, 2010

Looking at The Wedding List of Guests

i have people that mean something to me. That I feel we have a past a present and a friendship and I would like them to see me get married. and then I realize .......... it's a one sided relationship. They don't actually care.
I care for them - very much. I am their friend.
Normally this is somehitng that I just go with. Friendships change, grow, morph, disintegrate ...... but now when I do my guest list ....... do i really want to pay for those people that I value and that don't value me to come? Or maybe the new friends i am making would be a better choice. Even though, some of the new acquantances, may not stay close past my wedding day ......... but they would actually appreciate, support and want to be a part of our big day. Not to mention, are a part of our lives right now!
its hard, you know


holymotherofgod said...

It is, I know. Ours was supposed to be 100 people max. I omitted coworkers and friends, then my mom added about 4-5 couples of her friends. Ended up somewhere around 130 I think. Very hard to pick, very hard to negotiate.

shari said...

It is very challenging.
Every bride goes through this.... well 'cept for the ones who have weddings that are social events rather than a private celebration of the marriage.

go with what feels right to you.

Kristi said...

but I want a social event ......(insert whine here) I Love Party's

I'll know who's right and what's gonna be once the crunch comes to get the invitations I have yet to make, need to be mailed.
Until then i will stew over it.
hey! Maybe I'll lose some wieght over it too! How great would that be!!!

Kristi said...

guess I just have to see what happens with "friends & acquantances" over the next 6 mnths to figure it all out.

80-90 is my magic number, but definitely NOT above 100