I am trying, trying, trying to understand WHY these women, or rahter the first wife has put up with it for so long. How low does her self-esteem have to be that she believes she has to keep this man around.
I think they are on Oprah today
I have watched a few episodes now. They are a little more upbeat than the polygamist families we have come across in the past. Then men marrying up very young, naive girls that, for the most part, don't know any better.
but this Kody Brown? He has managed to find, over the last 20 yrs, 4 women that feel so alone in this world, that they are willing to share him. Either that or he is Amazing in bed! if Thats what it is - I wanna a get in on that!
The way i see it, he married his first wife, Merle, had baby #1 with her. She became barrin and so on they went with their lives. When she realized he wanted lots more children and she couldn't give them to him she found him another woman that could. Not more than a couple years after. I'm sure he showed his displeasure and she was left to feel awful about herself. What luck that they live in a place where he can just marry up another. She didn't want to lose him, but perhaps he was on the road to leaving her when he found she couldn't bare his seed.
i wonder - if he was out just dickin' women - would the wives be as accepting?
Does he get these women with the Lexus he drives? And what does he do for a living? How DOES he afford to have such an enormous home and a Lexus to drive! Did he win the lottery? Is he a millionare? He must work tons - or does TLC really pay that well? Are these women in it for the money? Then I can't help but wonder -- with all this national exposure to the world, will the eyes of the wives open wider and they will no longer want to be "sisters"
Where are their families in all this? Where is his? What do his parents think or are they practicing polygamists too?
Now I haven't seen them speak of the Mormon religion. So I dont' know if they are practicing polyigamy under that religious umbrella. Or if they are just doing it. Either way, I am enthralled with all the "What The Hells!" in behind what is Sister Wives.
if it meant you had another woman there to take after the children, cook dinner, clean house, another income ............ would you be willing to share your husband? The man YOU chose to grow old with.
I dunno. I just dunno
I am also totally fascinated with this show! They are all obviously unhappy, look at the size of them and look how unhappy the first one looks! Women are not pack animals. We mate for life, sharing our husband ESPECIALLY in bed is completely insane! I love the part where he says he doesn't want to be kissing his girlfriend when his wife is in labor! Good Lord! Here is the other thing that confuses me. Wife #4 is divorced! She has 3 kids already! What the hell is that?
I love it when you say insane!
I caught the weird comment as well.
Watched them a bit on Oprah yesterday - they are on again today. I will miss it!!! If you get a chance to watch, please, PLEASE tell me what it is he does for a living. What they all do to maintain their lifestyle.
the way I see it.......the guy is a dog. He cheats and then sticks marriage to them under the pretense that its part of their belief system. What would happen if he went out, found another soon to be "wife" took her for a test drive, but then DIDN'T marry her?
this new wife has a pretty nice littel body on her. A Lot like his first wife did and still does ,when he married her. I just wonder what part of his ID he is satisying thru the stages of his life ..........
He is in advertising... Meri is in the mental health field and JAnelle is in sales. Christine stays home with all the kids and the new one is looking for a job now in her new town. He married her already. I think the whole thing is so weird! They all say they chose this life but it all seems to friggin scripted!
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