Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 2022 - Catching You Up - Current Spot in Life -

 It's been a long time since my last post - so I will cut and paste a couple of things  from my FaceBook page to set you up on where I am at.  

Today is January 26th, Bell Let's Talk Day 2022! If you don't already know it, I am a supporter of Mental Health!
I had been struggling with stress issues from work and personal for more time than I can remember. I got sober in September of 2020. Giving up that HUGE coping skill, left me being faced with a tough decision last April 2021. I had hit the ceiling. What do I take off my plate? After speaking at length with my family doctor, we decided the one thing I had control of removing was work. So I went on leave.
I was struggling, feeling very much like I wanted to step off the curb in front of a bus. That seemed like the only way I was going to get a break. Make it quiet. Sleep and rest. Even if it meant I might get locked up. That actually sounded blissful and kinda still does.
I had been living with constant Chest pains, Migraines, memory loss, headaches, muscle spasms, Anger, Irritability, shaking, sudden extreme tiredness just to list a few, for quite some time, each and every day.
Since May 2021, I have been on at least 8 different medications/dosages. Needing yet another adjustment as I write this.
I honestly thought I would take a few weeks and be Back at it! The answer to that was ..... NOPE! I tried going back in August, 2021. I lasted 2 days, leaving less than an hour in, on my 3rd day. I slept, and slept, and slept after that day. Then a debilitating day long migraine as a chaser.
Can Open, Worms EVERYWHERE, is what actually happened.
I have been with 2 counsellors, 2 shrinks, 3 therapists, 1 rehab consultant and a psychologist. I have been practicing and learning, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, meditation, mindfulness, yoga, walks and breathing. I have weekly sessions. I have learned a lot in the last 9 months.
I have driven , adventured and did projects for days at a time, with Indigo, calming my mind. Sorting my Thoughts.
I have been diagnosed with lifelong anxiety. Imbedded in who I am since childhood, with a side dish of depression stemming from that. I am working hard at getting better. I don't know when or if that will ever happen. "They" tell me I will ..... ... I am still off work and Terrified for when I go back. I am still Sober and feel Fantastic!
Today, I do Not have a Migraine. Today I Do have Chest pain.
Live in the now. Live for today. Be kind to yourself. Don't sweat what is not in your control. You are not gauranteed, "later" or "tomorrow"
"Today is the Tomorrow you were Worried about Yesterday" ~ Dale Carnegie

February 14, 2022 FB Post

So here's the thing about the Trucker Convoy ......
Good Intentions Gone Sideways.
The fall out from product not being able to get thru, is more than just a delay of an online purchase. Or Canada Post delays. Besides food and grocery products not getting thru, medications are also not coming.
For one person, that I know personally, for her daughter, it has become life and death. Literally.
Her medications, that were already delayed, have now become trapped due to this Convoy for Freedom. She suffered a 27 minute seizure last night because of her lack of meds.
This young lady is already a miracle and surpassed so much in her life. She has battled extensively and relies on her medication, as many, many people do, to live. Her mom posted about this last night and the FB police removed her post as of this morning. I had tried to share it, but FB wouldn't allow it.
Before you support this "cause" any further, please think about the ripple effects of what else this is causing .. you are not just annoying a city or two. Making jobs more difficult. Stressing out individuals trying to work. A mere Blip on the Prime Ministers radar ........... You are literally hurting people's day to day, whether they live of die, life.

 - the original reason. The original cause was great! No reason for truckers to start quarantining now. Like why now? 2 years later .... makes absolutely no sense. That, I can get behind.
It's what this turned into .... a Circus of fringe groups jumping on board to try to be heard.
The reason was lost. The truckers protest got hi-jacked. They are even screwing over their own people from getting to work or getting the job done ...... its just Rude

So now that you are caught up, I can type thru my current thoughts about what I am up to in my next posts.

Blog On!

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