Monday, May 01, 2006

Fucking Mike!
kinda flattering that sex with me was sooo good that I kept him coming back for nearly 4 years! I mean. i must admit I do have an oral fixation. I am good at that I know. And unlike a lot of women I enjoy it. Lucky, lucky Mike. oh well. he wanted to be gone.
Clearly didn't enjoy any of the other non-sexual parts of our there.
he can enjoy himself with someone else. And I will enjoy myself with someone else as well. Sex, and companionship and everything! The whoel fucking package!!
The door is closed the bridge is burnt. And just when i take those steps.......
The music on the Mall speakers...wouldn't you know it.
fucking chicken truck yesterday. Among a couple other stupid things that I just have to close my eyes to and plug my ears.....
Stuff and things that I of course look for, just so I don't have to do that painful door close. Kristi, always looking for the 'signs'
Well Piss off Signs! its done now! give the signs to him. give the reminders to him.
i'm done!
Too Late! your Too Late!! Freakin' Signs.......

So i got my Tax Return!
And becuase i happen to be one AMAZING Woman.
I mean, in sooo many ways I am Amazing!!!
Ways that you in the Blog world have only been able to touch slightly.....
i will be purchasing that Chanel Coco perfume that I've wanted since waaay before Christmas. I might even treat my girl and i for dinner tonight.
Dinner out! Yes definanlty dinner out!
Maybe tonight. Mabye this weekend........
I'm planning on a New outfit in a month as long as I reach this personal goal I have set for myself, but maybe a new top to wet my whistle! Something for the Queen too!

Then I come home and slap the rest of it on all my bills. Pay off my dryer.........and make an attempt to make a dent in my MasterCard bill.
I feel great!
Paying bills gives me such a feeling of relief. Kinda like some of the wieght gets lifted.
Y'all ever feel like that too?

i have to write a note for my other blog to say goodbye.
I mean the whole Kiss My Ass is for Kim and Mike as thats just how I feel about them.
I've missed some of my readers and I'm sure they have not been able to follow.
i tried to link people. But I was hesitant on some as i really don't want Mike nor kim to find me all that easily.
So if you know people that were or are readers of mine please let them know where I have vanished to.
Thanks Blogger Dudes!!!


Stephen said...

hooray for women with an oral fixation!

Chris said...

Ok, I admit it. This post kind of turned me on.

Yes, it is always a thrill to pay off debt for me, too. Freedom! Keep my money! Yes!