Sunday, May 21, 2006

I am Me

I am who I am.
I think I don't want to have sex until I'm in a seriously committed relationship. I mean afterall thats as it should be anyhow. however, somehwere along the way.......I think for most of us.
it gets to be okay when we jsut really, really like someone. We put out.
That jsut gets me into trouble.
i get used.
I am not a toy. I am not a doll.
yes I like sex.
I like it very much. However, I think sex is one of my biggest problems. Men tend to jsut want my ass. I am just really tired of it now.
i want to be liked for me.
not for what I look like.
What brings this on you say?
Well. Men at work. Not the men i work with. Jsut the ones that come into my store. I can tell which ones are interested in me for me and the ones that aren't.
So I think.
I am by far what most would call easy. Although once you're in you're in. However, I test them as best i can. I mean I am super picky anyway. If the ones i like can put up with the rest of my boundaries i figure, okay, he's a safe one. Then i let him in all the way. And BAM!!!
They are done.

I am the Whole package.
i want the Whole package.
This is my quest. The whole package. Friends and lovers alike. Me for me and all that I am. you for you in return......Can it be done.....


Perry H. said...

Of course it can be done. Or I'm screwed. Maybe I watched "Pretty Woman" one too many times...but that line where she says she wants "the Fairy Tale" is probably what I want. But then I'm a dreamer anyway. I ain't settling for less than the what I deserve again. Good luck Kristi....

Chris said...

"I don't want to have sex until I'm in a seriously committed relationship."

Me, too, but then my wife insisted...

You might consider the old fashioned method and save yourself for marriage. It has the advantage of sorting out the whole committment thing. Not preaching to you, just throwing out an idea.

Do you discuss thier intentions with you in advance, or are you assuming that they want the same thing as you? Are the men dishonst, promising one thing, and then not following through? Did they promise to stay?

I do not think that men are generally natually monogamous. Men have to be motivated by higher character (do the right thing) to behave monogamously. There are many, many men out there who do not have this higher character.

That is why is is so important for a lady to judge a man's character correctly prior to giving her heart.

Chris said...

To be clearer, it sounds like either a communication problem (did you communicate what your expectations where?) or a judgement problem (selecting men without character).

joanne said...

Are you both looking at blogs together at work?

K, your post said you are easy, but you don't sound at all like you are. You haven't been with someone in a long time. Was that a type-o?

Chris said...

He is easy, but he can not seem to find any easy women.

We work the late shift. Not much to do if the computers are working.

Kristi said...

yah i guess it kinda did say i was easy......

soooo didn't mean to write it like that. There were supposed to be some 'nots' in there.
Yes it was a typo.

Yes saving myself till theres a Big rock on my finger is what I'm going for.

its jsut the guy that asked me for a casual beer is now calling my store and inviting me AND my daughter out. I don't like kid involvement. thats one of my boundaries.
Then another one came in yesterday. thru some loaded questions out about a date the whole time staring at my ass.

Stephen said...

i've got a solution for you. start eating chocolate cake and eclairs & gain 50 lbs. then you'll know they don't want you for your ass.

Anonymous said...

YOu deserve nothing less than the whole package dear!!!
Although There's never anything wrong with a little casual sex once in awhile to take the edge off.

I completely agree kid involvement too early is a bad idea.
I have a friend who is in a similar situation as you and she had a guy recently who wanted to take all there kids (her 1 and his 2) out with them on the first date!! She shot him down, No sense in breaking two hearts!
hang in there mister right will come when you least expect it :)

Hugs ~B

PS Can I link you yet???

Kristi said...

yeah. You can link me

thanks for asking