Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Where is the lessen

What were we to learn

Where's the silver lining ................. there's always a silver lining

one door closes a window opens ............. I am looking for it

our family has been so hurt by this tragedy

it will be a long time to heal

Why Auggy? Why? Why were you here? Why did we find you? Why are you gone? Why? What is left behind?


steph said...

Sometimes there isn't.... Sometimes it just is the events and path our life has taken. I am so sorry the grief is so heavy in your home and heart right now. There may not be a silver lining but your family will bind together and weather through.

Kristi Lou said...

Don't say there is no silver lining. There has to Be! there just has to be!!
he has brought us all much closer. In life and again in death.
its hard to come home. he's not there to great me. its hard to leave, he's not watching at the window. Flushing the toilet, he's not there to play with the water ............Showers, sleeping, laundry