Monday, July 23, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Fungus in my Lung?

Saw the respirologist yesterday.  That was interesting.  Huge outpatient medical center in Surrey.  WoW!  I had to do a handful of breathing tests.  Then I got to see the specialist.  He shoed me the CT  I had last fall.  That was cool.  There is stuff in there.  So he tossed some info at me.  Some could be's.  Things he is thinking.  I am going for MORE blood work. Between my fertility bloodwork and my lung bloodwork I must have only a couple litre's of blood left racing around my veins trying to cover it all.
This new set of lung bloodwork is looking for Fungus.  Yes fungus.  He is thinking it may be, which would explain my heightened allergies over the last few years.  He also tossed out  there the obvious damage and scar tissue that he could see.  The asthma I most definitely have.  But Fungus - I googled.  Fungus in my lung will suck.
He wanted to send me for a new fangled Fancy CT - i told him about the fertility testing we are beginning and how I have only 1 good ovary.  Even at that, its not working all that shit hot.  So no more CT.  he figures he can get what he needs from the bloodwork.  If not - we have to CT up later.  Later being, either after husband and I have a flesh nugget or after we have given up on having a flesh nugget.  We will see.
So yes - I am possibly growing mushrooms in my lungs.  How much does that suck?!!