Monday, September 29, 2008


just found out my Grandad apparently has internal bleeding.
they don't know where. They don't know why. They are doing a bunch of 'oscopies in both ends tomorrow to find out.
So far the theory is the meds have caused it.
his blood pressure is Real low.
I saw him last WEdnesday, i am glad.
i will see him tomorrow. Charlotte will miss piano. i pray for his pain to be minimal and for him to go quickly if this is his time. Same prayer I had for my cat! how funny is that? They're just about the same age too. LoL, maybe grandad is just badly constipated too!!! Sorry thats only half funny. I am worried and it hurts. I don't think he wants to be here anymore, he misses my Nana. We've jsut been without her since May. I will see. We will know more tomorrow.
My heart is achy right now and my eyes want to leak.

Blog On

Picked up the car.

Must say she is pretty. It was beautiful drive. Such a great day to go. We were home by 9 and exhausted. Mountain had to work Sunday too. Poor guy, and this week starts 10 hour days. HOw much does that suck! I am tired too. Hard time sleeping after we got back and last night.......well he was going to take us for a family drive thru the countryside when he got home from work. We got all ready......whomever owned the car in the past CUT the seatbelts out of the back. Wo we didn't all get to go. Poo! I was looking forward to it! But he did take Charley for a quick trip after supper. She was pretty stoked. My turn will have to wait.

WEnt to my doc last week. I might actaully honestly feel crappy! I keep pushing thru cause thats what I do, but there might actaully be soemthing wrong with me. What do y'know. So he took some tests, felt me up REAL good and i go for an ultrasound in a month. Yah a month. thats the soonest I could get in. So for now he has prescribed me iron. Along with all the other Vitamins I take i gotta do that one now too. I still think its age and meno-p but I'll do the test thing. Cuz you just never know. besides, if I can stop being tired all the time and every day that would be nice. And maybe take away the joint and muscle pain, yah that would be grand! You know how it is when you feel sort of shitty but blow it off and as soon as the doctor tells you, or rather confirms that you might actaully be sick suddenly you really do Feel not well at all?!!! Thats where i am at. i just want to go back to bed

Mr. Ball is doing amazing! He is a jerk. I was very ready that night to put him down. his body was turhing itself inside out with pain. At about midnight i was trying to figure out how I could break his neck to put him out of his misery.

now he is playing and running from one end of the house to the other. What an Asshole!

Tis the season to get all the outside stuff put away for the winter. The good Lord is giving us some beautiful weather to get it done in. So don't forget! gardens can come apart too and Plant your bulbs for the Spring!

have a Great day and Blog On Dudes!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Off I go to WestBank with my family to pick up a car.

a 1972 Impala. 2 door. Very Rare.

i am armed with my camera and KFC. its going to be a long day. Gotta be back as Mountain has more OT tomorrow.

WE'll be doing a lot of night driving. Ooooh, maybe I'll see a Moose! i love seeing mooses. Keep Charley on the bear watch. It'll be a good trip!

blog On Dudes

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who decides to buy a car in a town 4hours away, but only brings half the money so he has to make a second trip to retrieve said vehicle???
Who does that? Doens't taht seem stupid, illogical, expensive and pointless?
Or is it just me?
I don't want to go to WestBank on Saturday!
i don't want to be the good girlfriend. I want to finish what I started last weekend here in the house. My closets. My drawers, My filing cabinets. Its all half done and waiting for me to finish!
my computer that only has half its programs in......

What an Assinine thing! Why did he do that? What was the fucking point!
Idiot Man

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mom's Words

my mom made me think......

I've been thinking

I'm having thoughts - second thoughts - first thoughts - analyzing - getting on the future train - and looking at what is right in front of me with a different set of eyes

can I live with his juvenile behaviour, constantly having to fight the obvious, the bitchy spells, the swearing, the kid........

WE have the same hopes and dreams, that part is Great. We see a similar future. he is my partner in so many ways. we do get along great, but there are these few things. And when they come up.......

I get bitchy or start to go over the edge he comes over and gives me a hug. Then I realize i have gone to the bad side and work really hard at either not taking it out on him or Charley. Or I work really hard at getting out of it.

i try that with him! and Holy heck! I am the one with the problem! he's "fine and stop touching me! *sigh*!!!" Maybe its my tactic I need to refine. he doens't respond....I'll have to find another way......suggestions?

I am pondering and thinking

I think its his Time

My kitty.

Mr. Ball. Formerly known as 8-Ball. He came to live with me from Bert in 1995. he is 17.
Last night was just awful. He couldn't poo and in sooo much pain. Than after he would 'try' he'd throw up. I've been up most of the night comforting him. he's always had tummy troubles from the time he was a kitten. This morning he is quiet. I wanted to take him in last night and put him out of his pain. But mid-night is no time to think of these things.

I think of him sleeping next to me and the times He decides its time to get up and gently tapping my face till my eyes open. Calling me when its bedtime and letting me know he's tired and therefore I should be too.

i am thinking of his last moments......a Scary car ride, to a strange place, with strange people and then dead. i don't like that. He deserves a better last couple hours.

Do they make house calls??

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Computer Grrrrrr

missing programs.
computer CD's not ejecting.

no Solid blocks of time to just do this........

its not the same AT ALL.
There is CRAP from one end of my room to the other. Everytime I lie down for a nap i get interupted! Stupid Vaccuum left horrible marks in my carpet when I attempted to suck up the dirt from the plant I tipped over. My furniture is too fat for my livingroom. I need a new stereo cuz mine only plays select CD's now. I have papers EVERYWHERE waiting to be filed, but I can't file them cuz i need to go thru my filing cabinet and re-organize. I started that last year before we moved and Never have had the chance to finish it! I put mothballs in some of the containers in my hallway storage closet and they are stinking up the Whole house. I have Bags and Bags of clothes that need to be out of the trunk of my car and more bags that need to go in.
I need a new computer. But the one I want is 1700$ Charlottes room is an absolute organization Nightmare! WE worked on that today.....I keep posting stuff that i don't mean to cuz I hit the wrong button and don't realize it. Or I post it on the Wrong Blog! The *new* Facebook sucks!

i think its PMS

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test

Sick Charley

i got a soar throated Charley!!
She's never had one of these before. it looks pretty red on her tonsils. Poor little thing. She slept with me last night and tonight she really, really wants to sleep with me. I will take her to the clinic tomorrow. She has the fever and icky body pain too. So I will be home tomorrow from work. DAmnit! I hate to miss work.
But tomorrow I will have a full shift at my first job......Mom.

Blog On Dudes!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


kinda been feeling like I want to leave my job.

the dresses. the ..... Nights there are not as good as they could be. the lack of communication. the fact that now I am forbidden to give refrences for staff. (like I've given soo many) The fact that one of the girls gave her 2 weeks so he just wrote her off the schedule! I am a well paid server. Which is fine. I can live with that. the part I can't live with is that, any time there is a disagreement he pulls out the manager card and holds it over my head. Apparently i am supposed to support him because of that. Even when he is being utterly ridiculous. I am not allowed to keep my street clothes folded and in the staff bathroom becaseu he says its a health issue. THEY'RE MY STREET CLOTHES!!!
Yet garbage bag after garbage bag, filthy sinks, bird poo on his street clothes behind the line is all okay. He just about Never wears his whites while cooking. Not to mention how he eats; off the line, off peoples plates........yet if i move my bangs out of my eye i am scolded and told to wash my hands. (as a manager I should know that!!!! I am told) What The Fuck! maybe i am just PMS'y
i gotta go. time to *Work*

Monday, September 15, 2008

Where Have you Been??

Well it sure as heck hasn't been London visiting the Queen!

Mountain got on my PC (Gloria) last monday afternoon. He....well....ahem....he visited the Wrong site and BAQM!!!! Gloria had a horrible, horrible - simply Awful disease!
We did what we could through-out the week to save her. i even had my computer guy come with all his programs and knowledge to clean her up. We did get her to a pretty okay place. Unfortunatly, *sigh* there was much scar tissue. Her Registry had been badly damaged and we never did locate the C drive. So Alas......i saved what I could and had to format yesterday.
So now i am busy trying to load all my programs back up again. Set Gloria-6 up how I feel comfortable using her.
I have lost ALL my e-mail addresses out of my account. So mail my shaw account so I can get it all back pleeeez! Incredimail is like a wild separate just doens't shift over like you'd think it would. I had tried to access my mail while the sickness was on. thinking of course i'll just bring up my address book and print.
Not a chance. Sick Gloria wouldn't or couldn't allow it. Just as well i suppose. as this nasty disease more than likely would have started using my address book too, I am sure!
So thats where i have been.
Where have Y'all been???

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Party tomorrow Night

I have been getting ready all week for a party. Mountains B-day party to be exact. I said I would throw him one.
so his friends are coming. A couple of the girls I work with are coming too. And Sister! Thank Goodness!
I am nervous as to how its all going to go.
I have been making appy's every day after work and collapsing into bed by.....well before NoW! 10pm.
People are arriving anytime after 7 tomorrow night.
I know I shouldn't worry as his friends would be impressed with homeade dip. But they've never been to my house before and I want to WoW the crowd!
He's got a list of what I need done before I get home tomorrow. I am confidant he will have it done. Than I come home and put it all together.......and myself

Is it rude if I slip away about 8 and have a nap?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

grandad fell over in his kitchen this afternoon.

he is in surgery, this moment, with a broken hip getting it replaced. he is old. 95

we are worried that the surgery alone could kill him. but he is strong. Mom will call me in a few hours when they know anything.........

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


I am sitting here wanting so badly to write this amazing post about the last week and some cool things, but I am sooo very tired. I will do what i can.....

tuesday started our holidays - Charley Loves going to Harrison with me. We look in the shops, sit on the beach. usually we swim, but Heck!!! it was cold.
Wednesday we went to the PNE with another family. Charlotte's daycare family to be exact. it was awesome! Expensive - jeesh! but fun just the same. Charley went on rides i NEVER thought she would. We started with the Old Wooden roller coaster. She hated it and then Loved it all in the same ride. I loved sharing that experience with her. Than the Corkscrew. Upside down, freaked the hell out of her. She loved that one too! the Wild Mouse ...... thank Goodness she hated it. I don't ever have to be a brave mom again for that one. I was very brave a couple times. We went in some cage thing that went in a circle and then waaaay up in the air and then upside down.....yup. Thats right. I did it. Lots of'll be fine Kristi. Look at all the people on this they are all fine. Nothing will happen. Just keep telling Charlotte how amazing she is. Don't let her know you want to pee your pants.....Since I braved that i thought I would go on the beautiful Ferris Wheel. It wasn't your traditional one. It was like little umbrella circular carts and my feet weren't exposed or anything. however......I found myself gripping the bar so tightly I made the muscle ache in my shoulder. And that was actaully pretty good for me. I even managed to turn my head once to look out!
Charley did this crazy thing where she got real brave. She went on this ride called the Twin Flip. I thought fersure she was gonna bail while she and Anna were in the line-up. Nope. She went on and loved it! In fact. She loved it so much they got off and went right back on again! Holy CArp! Then she went on the swings! I am so glad she doens't have the fear of hieghts that I do.
The next day it was raining. I cleaned the house real fast....threw a bunch of stuff in the trunk and left for the Loops! WE had a great visit with Bobo and Dani and Cob. Turns out i Suck at guitar hero. Dani and I went for a drunken walk at 2AM. WE all got up early the next mroing. I hung with Cob while DAni went out and Bo went to work. She got back and Charley and I loaded up and took off with map in hand.
-there was a campground that asked 48bux for a night! we kept driving.
We were in Summerland looking for a campground when my engine light came on.
CARP!!! I spent one of the worst nights ever. the weather was sucking. i waas freaked out becaseu of my car. I had thought the problem was either the tranny or the fuel pump. i barely slept. and When I did sleep I had horrible dreams about my car. What if i don't wake up early enough to get to a CAnadian Tire? What if they don't have the part? What if my car quits on the highway?? What if I can't make it back for work on Tuesday? ACK!!
somewerhe in there I turned into a girl. i found myself scared and teary eyed. Until I remembered I always wear big girl panties so why was this any different than any other time. I got it together and stopped the suckiness! i am still wondering - "What the hell was That!!!"
its an emmissions thing - "EGR insuf flow detected probable DPFE sensor fault" - what that means is that my exhaust that gets recylcd thru the engine is clogged and not working properly. that is what has been Fffing me over for months now. Whew! I breathed a sigh of relief and we continued on our way. Stopping at museums, and littel towns along our quest for home. The weather was cold. We stopped at Bromely Rock for a swim but it felt like fall.
i got home to the hum of a vaccuum. Mountain had cut the lawn, weed eated, sanded and painted the outside table and just finishing up the living room when we walked in the door. What a wonderful Man!
I then spent the next 2 days doing laundry. Baking. Shopping for last minute back to school items, weeding "encouraging" Charlotte to clean/organize her room and re-organizing my hall closet.
Back to work and Back to school today!
Now Mountains birthday is on the 7th so i am having a party for him on the 5th.
after piano I made supper, an artichoke square and cheese dip. I've washed the same dishes over and over and over again. Just so that tomorrow night i can make some other new dish to serve to his friends friday evening.
One thing I find amazing is that I seem to be the only one in the house that can hear Mountains phone alarm go off at 5:30 in the morning. Up I get, into the kitchen I wander, rifle thru his coat pockets till I find the damn thing and make sure I push the right button. Hitting Snooze sucks. 10 min later I have to repeat the same ritual. the right button the first time is moocho important!
So yes, i am a tired girl. Mountain is shring the load and that is so great. he picked up C from School today and he'll be doing it again on Friday. That helps Huge!
but Alas Blogger dudes i should go. i need to sleep or at least put my body in a horizontal position. Another long day awaits me tomorrow.

Blog On!

Monday, September 01, 2008