Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I can not believe I didn't think of this sooner and even more embarassed to not think of the Yam thing myself!!!

Since the news of never going to happen a month ago, i have turned my attention to this wacked out body of mine.  Like what The Hell is going on.  Lets stop whining and get to the bottom of it.  I all but stopped carbing, no booze saladed out and what happened????  ZERO!  WTF!  I mean, not that I expected 20 lbs to just fall off, but something.  I thought maybe 4 had gone, but then it was just the difference of clothes and no clothes .........
So research - Progestrone!  I hit on something.  Progestrone is key to fat burning.  Of course it is!  UGH!  how have i missed this over my years of googling and research.  I was looking for the wrong thing.  I was concentrating on how to make a baby with some aggravated weight loss on the side.
So how do i make it come back.  YAMS!!!  reconnected with an old girlfriend and BAM! she got right to it.  You need progestrone.  You need Yams!  among a few other things - but Yams is where my attention is now.


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


I am seriously starting to think we might actually be here another Christmas.
This sucks.  Nobody has sold in here since last June!  I have ads on Craigslist and Kiijii.
Now that Husbandman's dad is sick, we - yes I said We, really want out of here so we can get him living with us.  I want to be out this summer!  Moving The Queen during her first semester does not thrill me.  It would not be good timing at all for her.
I just keep telling myself our buyer is out there.
If only we could afford to empty this place out and move into a home.  This would sell if it were empty much faster I am sure.
Well, I didn't win this last draw, but I got a free play!   So you never know.  Someone always wins.  I just happen to be a someone!

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Monday, April 08, 2013

Husbands father has prostrate cancer

we don't know what stage - and I am not supposed to know at all.

So many emotions and thoughts about so many things

Friday, April 05, 2013

Selling and Buying??

This selling my house thing is really sucking.  It is a beautiful unit, that is proven, but it is still a mobile.  It still is only 900 sqre feet and it still backs on to a highway.  Yes I was asking too much for the market we are currently in.  Had it been on 2 years ago .......... probably still too  much, but more likely to go close to that price.  Now, I have dropped it drastically.  Just hoping to get out before the official notice of pad rent increase comes out at the end of June.  Nothing, not one unit has sold in this complex since last June.  It looks bleak.  The lady across the street listed hers a couple months ago.  It is not nearly as pretty as mine, but it is a double wide with a huge deck, for less than what I am asking.
We are screwed.
Husbandman doesn't get it at all.  Can't understand why I am in such a hurry to get out.   Doesn't understand the issue at all about dropping the price.  Uuuuh, cuz that's our down payment for a house dumbass!  We still have to pay the realtor 7% Fucknuts! Sure you can pull money out of your RRSP's with good intentions of putting it back, but it never gonna get there!  Once we are in a house, all your extra money will be going into the house.  Especially a house that we can afford!  There is no way around it being a fixer upper for us!  Not to mention the fact that i don't understand why it's Not a problem for him living like we do.  On top of each other.  Half our/his stuff in storage.  No place to have a hobby even if we wanted one.  I am tired of crab walking around the bed to get anywhere in the bedroom.  Tripping over shoes when I walk in the front door.  Not having a place to hang a coat.  All my expensive pampered chef dishes stacked in with my stacked pots subsequently, breaking.  I hold on to the dream of having a King size bed and matching dressers.  How awesome would that be?  to be able to roll over in the night without rolling on top of each other or have to adjust and skootch back in to my spot in the bed.  The dream of having a front entrance, a second toilet, room for wine glasses.  To be able to open my dressers drawers from the front, sit at my desk without hitting my elbow when I try to type at my computer.  The list goes on.  But I guess, when all you do is sit in front of the TV and play on your iPod, these minor annoyances go unnoticed.
So with the lady across the street listed, people are looking at her place and comparing dollars.  Even though it is not nearly as nice or pretty as this one, you get twice as much for just a couple thousand less.  Why don't we ask less than her you ask?  Because I will lose too much money.  Will I eventually prolly have to accept something close to what she is asking?  yes - but I don't want to start there.  So for now we stay 5k more than her and hope for the best.  Husband lives in dreamland.  Unless he's got some magical winning lotto ticket hidden away that I don't know about.
Then to add to my sick money tummy, he tells me he go his profit share yesterday.  This is awesome!!!  it was a nice chunk - so I say, Xcellent!  what did that pay off?  he blankly looks at me and says nothing.  Nothing got paid off, down, but not off.  As I feel a cold streak of sweat go down my back I wonder how much has he managed to rack his credit card up this time?!!!
As long as we are a "we" I will be financially fucked.  

Thursday, April 04, 2013


How the hell did this happen to me.  I am a whale!!!

I went on salad, no carbs and no booze for 3 and a half mnths!  Good of me to maintain.  Now I have strayed from the rigidness of that and gained!  Of course I gained, but I never Lost when I was doing it!!!  What the hell!  Can't get myself in to walking to work mode.  Ugh!  so frustrating.  My evenings are when I have the time - how its light again.  I've got to, got to, got to get back to walking around my complex after supper again!!!
I have been reading about weight gain and estrogen.  I had stopped taking all my vitamins that were helping with that - guess I should take them again.  Or do something more drastic.........hormone replacement.  I don't know much about that.  I've heard lots about side effects and I have always been a firm believer in natural stuff.  But sometimes we need chemical help.  Maybe this time it truly is my thyroid?
Whatever the case, something has gotta be the answer.  I dont' care what anyone says, sure I should be active, but when you change your diet that drastically there should be a noticeable difference with or without excercise!