Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I can not believe I didn't think of this sooner and even more embarassed to not think of the Yam thing myself!!!

Since the news of never going to happen a month ago, i have turned my attention to this wacked out body of mine.  Like what The Hell is going on.  Lets stop whining and get to the bottom of it.  I all but stopped carbing, no booze saladed out and what happened????  ZERO!  WTF!  I mean, not that I expected 20 lbs to just fall off, but something.  I thought maybe 4 had gone, but then it was just the difference of clothes and no clothes .........
So research - Progestrone!  I hit on something.  Progestrone is key to fat burning.  Of course it is!  UGH!  how have i missed this over my years of googling and research.  I was looking for the wrong thing.  I was concentrating on how to make a baby with some aggravated weight loss on the side.
So how do i make it come back.  YAMS!!!  reconnected with an old girlfriend and BAM! she got right to it.  You need progestrone.  You need Yams!  among a few other things - but Yams is where my attention is now.