Friday, July 29, 2011

A Moment on Wedding Eve

Well Dudes - here I am.
Getting married tomorrow. Holy Carp!!!
Everything that is will be.
So many 'of course' things and scenarios happening before my wedding. Cuz why wouldn't they. I am good with that. Can't change it. So I just gotta roll with it.
Married is a forever thing. We have our arguments and our issues and our baggage. Gladly enough, we work through them and are still working through them. And it is good.
why is it good? because it is progressive. I love him and more than that - I like him. He is my partner for life, till death do us part, forever. I am glad.
My dear friend prayed with me, for me ove the phone today - and it was good. i was better. Seriously! Better. Had horrible heart beat anxiety, losing my mind into crazy. He did that - i went for my mani and I am better ------ ------- -=------

well my moment was interupted. Its time for me to go. I will be back as a Mrs.

Blog on Dudes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Of Course

so Yes - its wedding week.
WoW - my wedding week. My wedding day! This is crazy. I have soooooo so much to reflect on and say about that. however, there is not much time for such things. Easy venting is faster. And fast is what I am doing these days. Time ...... well I aint got it!
So my wedding week - Wow - here it is. True to Kristi fashion, nothing gets to be easy. My car got backed into yesterday. An old reminder has popped up after ???? years. Are those zits on my chin. Dont' get those anymore. I have a sore throat. The weather is the Total shitz. Now my cat has a swollen head! Which means a definant vet visit tomorrow.

Ahhhhh - wedding week

Friday, July 22, 2011


So my Sister wacked out on me on Tuesday. Why it was her problem, I'll never know. Freeking out about my bartender. My bartender that happens to be her friend .
She had said in an email that she would be good to be there early to set up. 10AM - when suddenly, she forgot. So the Bartender texted Sister. Big mistake. Sister starts freeking out aobut where is she gonna go all day after set-up. And why does she have to be there so early ect. ect.
Well first of all, Sister its not your business and doesn't concern you. Ms. Bartender is more than welcome to come back to my house to get herself ready. This i have already conveyed to her. If you don't want her at your house, then just tell her that. No she is not paying for ice and I Never said she was going to have to. She can get most of her ice from Stephie's restaurant. She and Steph spoke of this at the stag. No she doesn't HAVE to be there that early - i can easily ask soemone else to set up her bar and chill all the wine. Its not the end of the world. I jsut need to know if she is still a hand with decorating. I have lots to decorate and set - up, but more is good. The sooner everyone is out of the hall the better. The groom needs to done by noon in order to be able to get himself ready for his own wedding. Being done at Noon gives him an 1 1/2hrs to decompress, eat lunch and get himself pretty. That's actually not a long time. So 2 hours to set up - deal with any issues at the hall - or fine tune any decoration dilemma's is plenty of time with a good team. So mind your own business Sister and stop borrowing trouble.
Now my MIL - she has not and was not truthful about her intentions. So the British have flown over to Vancouver, then flown to Campbell River to visit, then come here. Ma Never ever had any intentions of leaving the island any earlier than THE DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING!!!
Sis'inlaw has managed to budge her to Wednesday. The British had intended to come over on Monday - we had plans for the whole week! We are all pissed. Had Ma been honest, the British could have flown in to Vancouver - gotten a room there and enjoyed the city for a few days, gone to 'visit' ma, then come oever for the wedding. MNTN is so upset by his mother. Her selfishness. The British came for His wedding!
Ahh well - so now I have a few more days to be ready before the house guests arrive. Guess that's not so bad. Just sucks that it eats up the only visiting day. So, so crazy back to back busy by wednesday of next week.
WEll now that I've vented i feel good.
off I go to weddingweddingweddingweddingweddingweddingwedding.........

Sunday, July 17, 2011

numbers are dropping

so the gramma fell off her scooter, into a sign. Fractured her vertabrae. Fractured her eye socket. More than likely won't be coming to the wedding. Which then leaves me to wonder how Teaghan will get there?
my Aunt and Uncle from the Kootenays have just pulled out as well. He had surgery on his hand and the stitches opened up.
My wee niece has split with her beau so is now coming alone.
Very glad they have all let us know. Waaaay better than just not showing up. I hope i can still adjust my numbers with the caterer????
Although, the voices in my head is telling me soemthing about the gramma. Reminding of the fear I had already anticipated where that was concerned. ERG! ERG! SHUT IT!

Friday, July 15, 2011

my DJ

my french friend that I worked with at Miller's. Giving me the gift of music for my wedding. I am so grateful. He asked for lists - i sent them. Programs - I sent them.
last night, i mailed him a change and asked his opinion ............

Huh? was his response.

HUH! HUH! - he didn't know what I was talking about. He hadn't paid attention to ANYTHING I'd sent him! I got on the phone and called him to calmly talk to him about the music. To talk to him about the rehearsal at my parents.

Oh My Gosh!!!!
he went off about how he can do all acoustic. Then he went off about how he will just set up in one central place so he doens't have to move his stuff for the reception.
He goes on to one of my song choices saying oh the one by Stevie Wonder and starts singing it.
Yes that's the song, i say to him, but I want the one by Harry Connick.
oh but this one by Stevie Wonder is so good.
NO! I don't want Stevie Wonder!!! I want Harry Connick!
Isn't this other song sung by Bing Crosby?
yes - but I don't want that version.
but Bing is so smooth .........
OMG! I am Not a Bridezilla - but seriously - I can see how it happens. I have been planning this for a year. I have researched the music I want. I have been thinking about that aisle walk forever. Don't Eff this for me Frenchman! and then he forgot that he agreed to sing at the reception. Hadn't even seen the program. OMG! I sent it twice!

serenity now serenity now

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


okay - its official - i am in a wedding haze

got the liqour license today. Muck came and we put our brains together at the hall. I's gonna be good. She's on it. but I am afraid I am petering out. can't wrap my brain around house stuff anymore. Work stuff. and the Wedding stuff .......... i am jsut not sure what the next step is.
Guess get the booze???
I think everyone knows what they are doing.
Linens are confirmed.
Food is confirmed. Got rings, marriage license and tuxes.
the decor is painted. just need to do a few glasses ........ songs are chosen ........ honeymoon dress is in the cleaners ....... gotta get a honeymoon nightie. Need to purchase good make up as I am doing my own - lancome here i come!
gotta go to aircare and clean the fish tank - maybe steam my carpet in the livingroom ....... buy more toilet paper and grocery shop for the guests that are going to be here in less than 2 weeks!
What else? What else?
organize and label all the wedding bins!!! Yes!

okay - i need a bath to relax me. My Alvin is starting to hurt

Thursday, July 07, 2011


The numbers are in!
i finalized my linens on monday.
been touching base and finalizing stuff with my chair cover angel, my Xtremely pregnant about to pop any moment florist, in the midst of cofirming the menu and numbers there ...... got the rehearsal all set for time's ..... remembered to invite the commissioner. ACK!
Got my paperwork for the liquor license , gonna do the event insurance myself at work ....... got my honeymoon dress in the car waiting till i can get it to the cleaners to get it pressed.
Still gotta get a lil'sumthin' from la senza. Met Leah's mother ..................... yeah it happened. Getting raffle baskets togehter and ready ........... no more drink tickets at the bar. Still working on speeches and a list for Carolyn for pics ................ got my make up consult this sunday ......... still trying to figure out nails and feet .......... made appointments but i am not sold .......... now its on to getting the house ready for company. ACK! My Mother In Law is staying here! for a Week! then after that - my Father In Law is staying here while we honeymoon!! so the house really needs to be together, organized and user friendly.

Can you think of anything i might have missed?
no Seriously - can you? I could use the input.

Blog on

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Getting Worried

so the pnuemonia that is in my lungs is not cleared up yet.
Been on 3 antibiotics, 2 x-rays, my family doc requested to see me. I have to go for more x-rays between the wedding and the honeymoon. Unless i get sick again before that, and then he wants me in his office ASAP. He is talking CT scan. I stopped my last round of meds sunday and the coughing is and has started up again today. I'm sure I will be in his office this time next week ......... yeah, i am scared. I am trying really hard to not be. To not think about it, but its hard not to when it just doens't get better. I quite smoking years ago because I didn't want to leave Charlotte. I have had the occasional cigarette with Mntn over the last 5 years ....... i hate it and I regret it. He needs to quit. I jsut gotta make it to the wedding -
What is in my lung?
its my left upper lobe, the same spot the pnuemonia has gone every time. Maybe its just the mass scarring?
If there is still soemthing on the x-ray at the end of the month, i have to go for a CT scan.
Yeah - i am scared