Thursday, December 31, 2009

where is that DAmn ring?!!

do i dare even ask if he went back to Michael Hill -

is will wait and ask after tonight. No sense in getting myself upset to ring the new year in with

i hope it be less stiff, more painless, more able, moving forward and successful in all endeavors.


Monday, December 28, 2009


i love it when I try to talk to my mom about this stuff and she just brushes me off and belittles all my feelings


no wonder I................ - FFFFFF

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I am so Effing Mad!

The Post It

I feel a little like Carrie from Sex and the City when she got broken up with by a Post It.

this is the Christmas my boyfriend gave me a wireless mouse instead of an engagement ring

Friday, December 25, 2009

i really did get a wireless mouse for my computer

that was it

nope not even so much as a chocolate - just this mouse that I am using -

i opened ONE gift from him

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Back to Normal

so nice to be back to anticipation!!!

is he or isn't he? :)

maybe I should do my nails just in case. HA!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009

I've leading falsely. I've been kinda lying. I am not good at such things. Its eating me alive!!!
What do I do?


Thursday, December 17, 2009

my man are dumb

he's learned nothing in 4 years

and i am indifferent now

Monday, December 14, 2009


I am so scared.

Will I ever find a job that I can do?

will the rumours of retraining happen? I have barely slept the last few days cause my mind is racing. Will I get screwed by ICBC? Probably. this is me afterall. If its going to be a struggle for anyone, or a bumpy road, a fight, not a smooth'll be for me........

I am so so so scared.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

As Christmas approaches ..........

I don't think I will be getting a small box of sparkle under the tree.
I'm sad.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Guest List

who would be on a guest list?
how do you invite or not invite?

we were talking about it this morning. hmmmmm.
boyzO'boys will I be disapointed if I don't get a little box under the tree. My anticipation is building.

Must Stop!
Must Stop!

every time I get excited or anticipate something ....... i end up really crashing!
Does that happen to you?

now back to that guest list......................

Friday, December 04, 2009

oh My aching Back

Its been nearly 7 months since my accident.

last night I was having leg issues and walking. Now this morning ................ MY BACK. Holy Carp. right between my shoulder blades. My spine HUUUURTS! its not muscle stuff its my spine. I havne't done any walking around yet, so we'll wait and see how the leg is today. I've done 3 days of mall walking in a row this week. I wanted to try again today and see. But it seems my body just doens't like the walking.
holy Carp my back hurts. this is ridiculous! 7 months later to be suffering like this. How dumb.
maybe once the snow actually starts to fall everything will get greased up and start to feel better again. but for now I just want to stay in my bed on my heat pad and not move unless its an emergency

Thursday, December 03, 2009


Charlotte's birth father stiffed me on a cheque last month!


I had to do something I said I'd NEVER do.


Dianna Krall Christmas Music at 7AM on a crisp frozen over December morning is the Best!!

WOOOOOOOO 2o days left!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


I stopped buying Tide 20 years ago cuz I can't stand the way it makes clothes smell. I know a lot of people like it. I don't. Makes me nauseous. so much in fact, when I was dating a guy, a few years ago, that washed his clothes in it i couldn't let him hold me. he actually Changed detergent!
Well, I bought Tide.
it was on sale and since I can't be picky these days.........
My tummy is just churning. I washed my bed sheets in it yesterday. UGH! Now I am sure it doesn't help that I am under the weather right now, however.......this stuff reeks!!!
Sleeping was not nice. I was awake every couple hours Now it could have been the runny nose, but imagine that. I caught a cold yesterday, stuffed up runny nose and I can still smell this crap in a way that makes me want to vomit.
Sale or not. I'm not buying that again!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


get out of my hip!

just cause its cold out and I exercised did not mean a personal invitation to you!

get out get out get out. I'd like to get more done in a day please!
the sitting won't help me at my job in a month!

things are not good for Kristi Invalid