Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Am Back with LOTS of catching for me and you to do!!!

Its been a LOOOOOOONG week without Gloria. She has missed me as much as I have missed her.
But Uwe gave her a new heart & Lungs so she is on the go again! YaY! HooRaY! So glad her brain has not been affected.

For now I will get some shut-eye and get on my catch-up train tomorrow.


Monday, July 21, 2008

People can be so Ignorant

went to dinner tonight.
got there just before 6. We had to wait cause I wanted to sit by the window. There were a few empty tables around, but after surveying the floor and knowing the time I figured they didn't have all the dinner staff on yet or that particular server for that section was busy. No biggie. We can wait. right after us a family of 4 came in. They saw us and were told they would have to wait. No more than 10 minutes. They father spoke up and mentioned all the empty tables, can't they have one of those? The server tried to explain to him that they didn't want to seat those table yet as there wasn't the staff on yet to take them. He did the eye-roll the huff and walked back to take his place with his family. Turned out he knows me from Millers. so he came and leaned against the wall next to me. Made some comment about the empty tables. i then tried to explain to him that if they were to sit at the tables that were empty they'd be waiting a really long time for service. His response, well they should have mroe staff on. Now they are pissing off customers and won't have any soon. I'm not leaving a tip!
I told him you can never predict how many people and at what time they are going to be hungry. you do your best with scheduling staff. If you put everyone on at 5 you end up with a lot of people standing around doing nothing and paying them for it. Labour costs alone can sink a restuarant.
I wanted to say, but I didn't, taht perhaps Assholes shouldn't eat out or maybe they should plan their own evening better to go only after 6.

Life is Fun

So I had my vent and it was all good.
More irritated that we even have to go thru this shit.
He took Tea to a movie that evening and then came home by 10. It was all fine. Him knowing I speak wisely, just hating to hear it as much as I hate saying it.
Went to a wonderful outdoor party SAturday night. I had Sisters dog and it was good. I got eaten alive by mosquitos and no-see-em bugs! Those critters never bother me. But they did SAturday, holy Carp! I was wearing a longer dress, so i guess they got trapped up there and instead of trying to get out......yszh. My legs look awesome. so today i go to work in my sexy little black dress with Bruises all over my inner thighs and skeeter bites. I look Hawt!
Charley is now gone till Friday to Camp.
It was nice to wake up this morning and my house is how I left it yesterday afternoon. she was so excited to go. Begging to leave. Mountain and I had a nice eveing alone. Late dinner and relaxing by the pond in the evening. Tonight we will have a date! how fun. Then i work in the eveings the next couple nights. Which is good. Extra $$$ on the paycheck never hurt no-one.
I can't help but remember last year when Charlotte was at camp. WoW, what a whirlwind! I hope all is smooth sailing this week while she is gone. Its funny how one instance can leave a taste in your mouth of anxiety that "something" life changing is going to happen again.
I think about buying last year and being reluctant cuz the plan in my head was to buy this year. Knowing the market was going to be slowing down and things would be more affordable. However, seeing as i can't afford anything that wouldn't have mattered anyhow. I got a really great place! i love my little house! With all its round corners and mouldings. its small, but its good. Everything happens for a reason. Everything has a silver lining, you just have to be open to see it.
Blog On Dudes!

Friday, July 18, 2008

a Wee vent

So Leah had her baby last weekend. A girl.
Mountain already knows more about it than I am ready to feel comfortable with. WHY DOES HE FEEL THE NEED TO CHAT WITH HER!!!! Grrrrr.
Anyhow, apparently Tea called him to tell him last Sunday. Bla, Bla, Bla.
Tea phoned him tonight cause she is already having issues with the "new baby" and wants to spend time with him. Fine. No shit taht poor kid. I feel for her. She doens't 'belong' anywhere. I soo saw all this coming and more
Leah interjects with a Great idea!
Teaghans half-brothers are here from Alberta and they are all going to the waterslides tomorrow. Half-brothers parents and all. Would Mountain come and Charlotte too!
Teaghans "father" was deported when Tea was 1 or so. He had 2 sons with some other chick, Julie, that lives in Alberta. They are older. But that was not before he managed to Kick Leah so hard in the face that the skin from her forehead was removed and had to be stitched back on. Yet Leah is Friends with Everybody and now has had another baby with some other guy that has had his 2 kids taken away by social services. This guy has threatened her, not more than a month ago, that he will be calling social services on her. She has already been visited by social services less than a year ago, questioning her about her involvement with said guy. Cory. She is still speaking to him and seeing him and his family.
Why does she even have contact with these people? she doesn't have to. Why does she keep putting her daughter in the middle of all this crap? why does her daughter even know or have any involvement?
What I said...............

WEll Mountain wants to go to the waterslides anyhow. NO!
he wants to have the opportunity to take Tea to the waterslides.
Than take her yourself! All 4 of us will go next weekend. But that is not your place. you don't need to be hanging out with ANY of those people. They are not your family. Its all toxic.
Perhaps I should give Rob a call and have him over while you do this. i haven't slept with Julie. fine, I'll invite your buddy Abe over...............silence. Respect my feelings. this is what I ask. I respect yours.
He went to pick up Tea a few hours ago. I haven't heard from him.
i did give him a heads up on another thing when the conversation calmed down. The baby ...... i am not cool with you touching the baby, HOLDING the baby, paying attention to it, smelling it, NOTHING!
I actaully not down with him being friendly with Leah at all unless it has to do with Tea. But thats another argument.
so I've cleaned my bathroom and I'm on my way to fold laundry.
don't know if this makes sens how I wrote it. I am not pissed, just annoyed and irritated.

there are a few VANSTRAVAGANZA pics on my Foto-Blog

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So summer, well July is half over.
WE are trying to work out holiday time together.
Charley has had her big camping trip. So that is cool. Next week she goes to camp for the week. I am working. Splits on half the days ....... Last year during her Camp Squeah trip we were evicted from our home of 5 years and there went the summer of fun! We were buying and moving.
Wow. A year. We've almost been here a year and I am still trying to find room and get rid of stuff. I think its time to give up on the clothes i can't fit into anymore. *sigh*
Mountains belongings slowly finding themselves left here. i gotta make room and quick. Our lives are slowly meshing more and more together.
So i had some goals for this summer as far as time with my girl went.
The PNE .... cuz Agrifair has sucked for the last 2 years in a row and wterslides.
Of course i wanted to include Mountain in these adventures. However, it is not looking like our time "together" is going to happen.
its hard to cover my Mon thru Wed shifts at the restaurant, so that leaves the end of the week. I had wanted the end of Aug. into Labour day .....but Mountain can't get that time. But he can get the first week of September. Great I thought.
however, there are some hitches to that.
The PNE is over and so are the slides.
I wanted the week at the end cuz thats when my sitter is on vacation too.
School starts.
So now i figure we'll end up doing the PNE on a weekend. Which sucks for the obvious reasons. People everywhere. And the waterslides on a weekend too. Which sucks for the same reason. I don';t do well with people everywhere.
Then there is Charley missing the first week of school???
In the end not so bad as they are only placing kids and Fucking around anyway at her school the first week.
here we are back to 7 weekends left of summer holidays for The Queen.
we take C out to camp Squeah on sunday.
Mountain HAS to get my stairs off the back door started or done!
mountain Has to get my stairs to the back door started or done.
Aug 8 to 10 camping at Deer Lake. We are looking into getting the Monday off as well for both of us and the campsite booked for 1 more day. We would like a long trip as a family instead of the Scrambling weekend. Although Charlotte has had a long camp, VANSTRAVAGANZA, it would be nice to be with her for one too!
So far the rest of August is home free. But Mountains needs to finish the stairs he will have started.
Most of it is anxiety cause I have so much to do here when i miss SAturday chores.
I missed all of June's chores and am missing a good portion of July's
Than there is Mountains B-day! the first weekend of September! what am I going to do. As the good girlfriend i should really do something. A party? Who should I invite? My friends? My family? a nice weekend retreat for us would be nice .....
Oh yah.
Leah had her baby last weekend. A girl. so I am guessing the weekends that we will have in the next while will be taken up with Tea time. Bleck.
I just have anxiety. I know I need to just relax cuz after writing it out, i have lots of weekend time in August. but I jut am sad because i know Charlotte would like to have home time with her Mommy in the summer. Especially now that she has friends here in our complex that she can just hang with like a regular kid and ride bkies and stuff.
So the first Week of September it is!!!
We'll do a Major Harrison day trip. Bridal falls. Maybe Fort Langley and Deer Lake Burnaby does that sound? Any other suggestions for "holidays"

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Here's a Thought on Gas

Mountian and i had lots of time to talk on the way back From Vanstravaganza. Something that came up that hadn;t crossed my mind was all the people that have bought here in our town.
they Bought here to own and to have a place. Cuz they coudl afford to. yet they kept their jobs in the City (Vancouver District)
With the increasing rise of Gas prices ..... how are they going to be able to do it.
What are they going to give up? House or job?
and if job happens how does that affect us here?
The kids just geting out of high-school with no work ethic.........
There is some serious bad gonna be happening here in the next while
I get sick to my stomach and scared when i think about it

The ripples in the pond ......................

Monday, July 14, 2008

How About, Let's Not talk about When our Relationship began

I was not well.
I was Not okay.
Lots had and was happening to me at that time.
I was making bad decisions. Rash decisions. Decisions way outside the box for me. Mistakes. I was flying by the seat of my pants and not at all well.

Flashback to a Conversation with Stef> I like him. But I want a summer fling! This guy I can;'t fling with. He's responsible. He said that thing about mortgage payments. The other guy is a fling. He just wants to party. Thats what I need right now. (whine, whine)

and here I am 2 years later wishing the "fling" hadn't EVER taken place.
I wish i could forget about it. I want him to too. He was the one I wanted, but I went for the flash, excitement and unhealthy toxic cause thats exactly what i was at that time.

*nervous breakdown*
*huge fight with my BF*
I sought help. I sought help Hard. I started listening to the voice inside instead of rebelling to it in my mid-thirties ......... i found the love of my life.

Why did you go with that guy?
Cause he was the one that called.
Cheap. Easy. Afraid. yah.
Not me? YAHHH!!!

I didn't and wasn't about to be alone anymore!
3 1/2 years with Big were over and that was heartbreaking and not all easy for me. The loss of the thought and dream of him worse than losing him. Than the whole Larry deal .... holy frig! What a nightmare that was. I was done with being wanted and not being wanted all at the same time.
A Trophy. Trophy wife. What a life...................

Lets just not bring up when we first hooked up.
Cause it was not good circumstance.
In the end it has proved to be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I knew it then and I bucked it. and Sure as Hell know it now!

i love you. Leave it at that

Friday, July 11, 2008

Today is a DAy

Today, right after work, we leave for Vanstravaganza!
I hope i have what we need. WE won't get there till late and the others will have been there waiting already. It will be such fun I am sure. I hope the Micra makes it okay.
Charley has been in day-camp all week. Theatre day-camp. They have been choreographing, singing, all sounds so wonderful. I am thrilled for her to have this opportunity. She goes with her caregiver and her daughter. Its awesome. Although its not awesome, cuase once again its something designed for the stay at home parent.
Today is their production. The play they are putting on of what they have worked on all week. She is devastated that I can't be there. Its at 2 in the afternoon. I totally want to be. i am going to ask my boss if I can have an hour to go. I'm sure he will give me the gears. He gets so funny about such things. Schedule changes.
it can work. It will be fine. An hour. thats all I need. My heart is hurting. this is a big deal! I should be there. Frig. He is going to be a dink about it fersure.
had wierd dreams last night about a tree-fort that was huge and people lived in it. Like a cabin, built onto a birch tree. it meant soemthing because apparently my uncle had built it and there were family heirlooms all over. But the roof was leaking and rotting and the fort was going to fall down. So i was going thru all the cupboards and closets trying to find all that was important to me and what would fit in the bags I had before it fell over. I don't know. I think I just have a lot on my mind with the weekend fun and Charley's thing today.
I need to go make sure i am ready for Vanstravaganza.

Blog On!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

What started out as a Discussion about my Socks.....

'socks in those shoes with your dress is just not sexy. We gotta do something about that Kris'
I then explained to him how I like skin on my feet and that they don't smell of rotting flesh. so if I wear socks in my work shoes with my work uniform .... so be it.
Turns out I am pretty sexy anyhow.
but not with socks. he then asked me if i thought he was sexy. After those comments? NO. I said it with a straight face. Thing is i meant it.
Another man at the table commented on how I must be hooked up. RAy confirms that i am, but is surprised that i don't think he is even just a 'little bit sexy' no, not my old boss. Different Ray. Sorry, my radar is off . I mean I can acknowledge a nice looking man, but I don't check him out so mucha nd I am just not interested.
Really! he is floored.
you are just into your guy taht much?
its not even that so much as I am just not out there. I am very happy and content in my relationship. He gives me everything i need, my girlfriends have always given me the rest.
Buddy at the table pipes up .... all men cheat.
no they dont'.
then they are lying to you. they cheat. besides the fact that mine doesn't...... that is still not going to change the fact that my radar is failed and i don't go around oggling men. If one pops into my view that is obviously nice looking .... than i will partake of the scenery. but I sure as hell don't go looking for them.
All men are dogs. that is true. but i fail to believe that all men cheat. I think Most men cheat and its hard to find a good one.
i am pretty positive I have one of the good ones

A Better Mountain

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


after work on Friday! Whoooooo.
i gottses much doing in the next couple days to prepare.

The Mighty Micra saved the day. Hooray!

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Blast from Blog - Past!!!

I've gone Back to my old - and very first blog address!
If you are here its cause you got the invite.
even under a secret code identity what have you ..... mum finds me. She knows how the glide over works.

I did this thing where I thought I would take off the codes and what not so that anybody could read. Sometimes I like to be public, sometimes not. but I like having the choice. I've gotten 'boring' so I wasn't caring so much about the anonymous. the Anonymous can sometiems have good things to point out .... even if I don't like to hear it. Or they can start a riot ....... either way .... i made the decision to go public again after so long under wraps!
However, it seems i am still bothered by the MOTHER.
Here numbers popped up and it just bugs me.
No, I don't know why. But it just does and it seems she always Finds me thru one avenue ........

Its nice to be back here at Availablemyass my first home in Blogsphere!

Blog On Dudes!

a Mountain Vent

Mountain is such an idiot sometimes.

Berry Fest turned out to be a pretty good deal!

Lady Boss stayed at the store and left me to the floor. That was nice. We had full staff on Friday and that was cool. Accept for the bathroom stuff. But I put my foot down yesterday. ABSOLUTLY NO ACCEPTIONS we do not have a Public Bathroom! WE didn't have Full staff yesterday (missing a dishwasher) so that sucked cause I was in the bar. So I was watching for the bathroom Bust, using my magic card to do the girls cash, hostessing, bussing, Throwing a load of dishes thru here and there, changing garbages, dealing with the wine tasting chick ........ Manager type stuff. It was nice cause I don't often get to wear the hat. Tough cause we really needed someone in the bar full time. WE were steady all day yesterday. It was awesome.

WE had patio tables set-up, but no liqour outside. It worked. Tables were always full till the rain came .........

On Friday, besides the Bathroom Drama, I had a couple visitors.

My Buddy Tom from Portland!!!

it was his July 4th so he road his Motorcicle up to say "hi" I was so over the top excited to see him! Its been 2 years. WE didn't get much of a visit, but thats ok. It was cool anyhow. Than later in the day while I was outside, my Ex-best Friend that I stopped speaking to 8 years ago walked up and said Hello. one day i will tell the story, as i am sure it should be told, but not today. It was Rob Janzen! i was happy to talk to him too! There was a time we did everything together.

Anyhow, I came home and told Mountain.

Turns out he would rather I keep it to myself? he has such a Huge problem with Rob. Now the fact that he hasn't been in my life one Iotta since Charley was a 1 1/2 ......but mine and Rob's 10 year friendship included some sex. So Mountain had a hissy fit when i told him that I talked to him. Last night after we got home from Sister-in-laws surprise party at mom's he brought it up. Rob that is. Calling him my ex-boyfriend, talking about all the sex we had ..... I'm like Woa. Listen up. it wasn't like that. i don't know what you have going on in your head, but it wasn't like that at all. Rob and i were friends. We hung out. After 6 yrs of friendship we hooked up. I don't know what your 'good' friend Robbi has filled your head with .... but she talks out her ass and really needs to stop talking about my life.

Besides the fact that it is the past. Waaaay in the past. Rob is like a brother to me. Thats how I had always thought of him. So he announces he is sick to his stomach and is going home! honestly. Stop being such a woman! what a baby. You brought it up! if you can't handle it don't bring it up! he made the comment that I sounded excited when i said I had talked to Rob. Guess I should have lied and said no, but I didn't cause I shouldn't have to. Well, he was just a mess.

So here I am, my only day off, alone on a Sunday morning.

Did I argue with him when he wanted to leave? No. Go. Just go. What a Friggin Baby.

Yet i have to hear about his ex's all the time. As a matter-of-fact, i get a couple of them thrown in my face and directly into my life! I deal. I don't get all pissy and dramatically announce that i am sick to my stomach and stomp out the door like a child..........

So much for enjoying the lovely power-wash job he did on my patio, stairs, and walkway while I was at work yesterday.......i would like to praise him. I know he worked hard to surprise me.


I better go get my chores done.

Blog On

Friday, July 04, 2008

Berry Fest Bathroom Incident at Mitch Millers

I just feel soo bad.

I've been to Berry Fest. I've been to Berry Fest with Charlotte. I've been to Berry Fest with a pottie training Charlotte. I would NEVER dream of going into one of the stores to use their washroom. It blows me away the amount of people that do!
There are port o'potties set out for Berry Fest Goers. They are on every street. yet we still had to do the thing I hate and tell people they can't use ours unless they are a customer. They always look at you with disbelief. We had line ups at our bathroom door with people that weren't our paying customers! and our guests had to wait in line!
One of the girls allowed a woman with her child and another lady to come in during the dinner rush. I saw it, but she had already been told she could, so I left it. A line was slowly beginning to form as guests were trying to use the washroom. Then I got the call from the office ..... that woman is not a customer. she doens't get to use the washroom, ask her to leave.
so over I went to survey the situation. Lady in bathroom that is not ours, Line behind ours, plus this woman and child. I apologized and told her i was sorry, but our bathrooms are for restaurant guests only, but that there was an outhouse just around the corner for the public. Now becasue she had already been let in by the other girl she turned on me like a panther. She was pissed! I apologized again, but that is restaurant policy. She stormed out. Than she came back to tell me she would never come in ever again because that was the rudest thing that had ever happened to her.
I feel awful. i am sorry. But I was following orders. i did what I was told to do.
Why do people make us have to do that? i just don't get it. I can't imagine wandering in to use the bathroom. What do they do on Robson Street? People are shopping and walking around. Making a day of it. Do they wander in to the Cactus club or Red Robin just to use the washroom? Would they even attempt to? What about the apartments? Do they go to peoples doors and ask? Or the various shops, do they ask at them? there's bathrooms in the mall. Sure its a walk, but they are there.
Now our downtown is not so big, so I can't imagine more than an hour would be spent. Don't you pee before you leave the house? 7 - 11 is up the block. They have a public washroom. I really just don't get it. And of course during the festival there are public potties set out just for the public so they don't bother the stores and restuarants.
how many of you will wander into a restuarant and pee or poo?
Seriously. I have people that come just to poo! How gross is that?!!
Does Palliotti's down the street have the same problem? Or the FVI? Or what about the Bull n'Raven? how about the 3 teahouses? Do they have people wandering in to disrupt their guests and stink up the bathroom?
Sitting in a restaurant and watching a stream of people wander past you while you are trying to eat........
So for as rude as it may have seemed to this woman that I had to ask her to leave .... i think it was pretty rude of her to come in just to use our toilet and put me in the position of having to enforce a rule we shouldn't even have to enforce!

That being said, i still feel bad

Thursday, July 03, 2008

We are On the SAme side

How great it is.
We fought.
than he realized we are on the same side! Why argue? Cause you think you should is not good enough. A small battle won. She is not to wear a teeny tiny bikini out in public.

*sigh* of relief

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The air conditioning quite today at work.

at one point the dining room was actaully hotter than the kitchen and most definantly hotter than outside.

Got a couple fans and opened up the front doors, but boys o'boys it anint nice in there. We are hopping to have the part by friday afternoon. Its a 6 hour job. So maybe by saturday it will be fixed. Berry Festival is this Friday and Saturday. It shouild be interesting. It supposed to rain. Hmmmm.

My Sister had a horrible accident with her Visa card today while she was out buying skates for Charley. Turns out a pair of Quad Skates in a size 8 1/2 ended up charged to it too!!! how cool is that! I have roller skates! They are soo pretty. Black leather boots with Red laces and Red Wheels. Than she gave me all her old gear. Helmut, knee pads and elbow pads! How awesome is that!

So charley and I went skating in the complex when we got home. Her new skates are black with Pink laces and pink wheels. We were so awesome In the moist hot of the early evening. I wore my Curves sauna pants so I could sweat extra. Like sweating all day at work and peeling my dress off wasn't enough. So now I can practice up and skate with The Queen and work-out at the same time!!! YaY!

Well the wind is picking up. i heard rumour of a thunder storm tonight.

My sister-inlaws surprise 30th B-day party is this saturday at my parents too. If its raining i guess we'll all be inside. All 30 something of us. Lucky mom. I be turning up late i think. Not sure when they will let me lose from Work on this busy Berry weekend.

Opsy! There's the thunder! I hope all my hatches are battened down outside.

Better get out there for one more walk about before bed.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Ummm.....Mountian and Queen....What The Hell!

I have showed both of you where the recycling is. Its not far. as a matter of fact its right in the kitchen next to the Garbage can. Why is it I find papers and buy and sells and empty containers EVERY WHERE? Its nice of you to randomly rinse out the milk container, but why is it just sitting in the middle of MY kitchen counter? Not even up to the side or pushed off to the corner.....nope right in the middle. Right along side of the dishes that you have left on the counter. I emptied the dishwasher. Thats its job. to hide messy dishes and then wash them accordingly. Instead, i get the 'word' that it is lunch time and co0me to take care of my family and have to Wade thru this shit before i can begin a new mess of my own.
Then there's the garbage - Charlotte - that you can't seem to figure out that it is Grabage and it is strewn all about your bedside table. Kleenex's galore! what the FFFF! You have a perfectly good garbage can right next to your bed! Wrappers off things you aren't even supposed to have in your room. FRIG!! at least have enough sense to throw away the evidence! Am I rasing a moronic Pig!
When i sit in My Living room I want to know its going to be a good experience. Why do I have to look at Queens half eaten, crumbs on the floor, garbage stashed under the coffee table, pillows mussed, trying to find MY remote for any of the things I might have in there, while putting the chairs, table, pillows, nicnacks back in place. So I am Anal! F.U! this is how I want it. I actually OWN everything in this room, therefore it is mine. so it will be done my way! And Mountain, the next time you play the PS2 .....Put the fucker away!! I came in to vaccuum and had to Yell at you too. Frig! Don;t make me do that shit. I don't like it!
As I was weeding and doin stuff outside today .... i stepped on yet another Tac and it went thru my Flip into my foot a bit. Should I get a tetnas shot. I don't even know. that was a few hours ago and it is hurting more than the last one. Maybe I'll Google it.
WEnt to the Canada DAy fireworks this eveing. It was mine and Charlotte's first time. It was awesome. Did the Parade in the morning while Mountain hung out and surveyed his next project of building my stairs and landing off the back door. He is such a good man. Than we went and got new chairs for the patio. I had my heart set on a new patio set this year. But the money is just not there for that when we can make due with just chairs and spray painting the table i have. I still have to pay for lumber for the stairs and a new fence. Ack! and I totally forgot about house insurance!!! I gotta go see them and hope they take installements cause I am just not prepared.
So now I will go stare at my solar lights for a bit before i call it a night.
hope your celebration of Canada's 150 Birthday was swell!

Blog On Dudes