Friday, August 31, 2007

Its My House!

I am 37 and Finally own my own home.

I am just sooo excited!

I have an extra shelf somehow. Its been drfting in my livingroom for days.
I can't find my candles.
my bedroom shakes when the big trucks go by.
I really want to have sex, but I'm too tired to do anything about it.
It is entirely possible I have too many personal pictures to put up on the walls.
My real-guy is taking care of my pump pond situation. I am so glad for that. So hopefully I can decorate my pond and fill it with Goldfish! How fun. Today i think we are housebound. Trying to find a space for my steam cleaner and my vaccuum. They sure as H. E. double hockey stix ani't goin in my room! This you will see when you come on Sunday. This room is FULL!
Okay. Time for Pancakes!

Later Y'all!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

FaceBook Sux!!!

first I change my password to my Yahoo account and I lose access to my facebook account.
So I start a new one......
now I can't get into that one either!


I wonder if this has happened to anyone else.
I am so annoyed!

I've been in touch with the 'facebook' people, but nothing seems to be coming of that.


house is coming along.
Got my stuff in the yard that I had to get in before they've been bucket bound too long. It turns out I only have about 3-6 inches of dirt before I hit the sand gravel dirt mixture. Let me tell you.....not mater how hard you dig.....there isn't anymore dirt to be dug. My soar shoulders will tell you that.
I still don't have room in my house for my vaccuum.
I know! What am I gonna do? Figure it out I guess. Maybe I can extend it from the ceiling.....

I am looking forward to a relaxing day Sunday with a few friends. BBQing....sitting.....I wonder how long I can sit for?
I should fill my pond.
My pump left with a neighbour before I moved my real estate agent is gonna provide me with a new one. But he hasn't been by yet. Maybe I'll sait on the pond deal.

I have one Giant under the skin Zit taking over the right side of my cheek. I've been ignoring it as its been growing the past couple days. But is making itself known. Frig it hurts and its swollen and red. but its one of those ones you can't pop or pick or......It friggin hurts.
I am covered in bruises and scratches from head to toe. All the moving and gardening.....holy moly.
My neighbour on Babich came over the other day to lend me a hand at getting the plants and shrubs I wanted out of my garden. How sweet is that? she even had spaces in her own backyard ready for them so that in the spring when my garden here is ready for them....I can just come over and pick them up! What a dream boat! Her hubby took out the rest of my garbage yesterday for the garbage pick-up so i didn't have to race over there at 8 in the morning to do it. I love them. What great Neighbours!
I invited them here for Sunday. I sure hope they can make it.

So sunday i will make a pot salad, have burgers and fixins, cake (ofcourse), water I guess I should get some chips together too. So if you want anything other than better bring it! Cause I am not doing anything else. I am too damn tired!

Blog On Dudes!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Here I BAM!!


moving; is not a fun thing.

here i am sitting in a room that is supposed to be my bedroom.
but it is so tiny.
not a big deal cause it is mine.

it is all mine.
[its a whole new spin on shopping!!

so my chair does not fit in next to my PC.
reminds me of years ago....before I moved in to the Babich place and my room was so small.
well here I am again!

So many moving stories.
So many thanks. Tobi. Thank-you for the sweep doll.
Doodle-I am so glad you guys got that.
Steph-the haul baby!
Bert and her Charley removal and fantastic Tent! (might have to keep that one)
Abe-so wonderful.
thanks to Mrs. Bell and her earth
of course Mountain.....he is the king of them all.. I Never could have done it without him. he amazes me every day.

So my neighbors; appliance man; well, they are freaking me out!
bad people. Bad, Bad people.

So it ocurred to me while i was in the shower just now.....why not leave

i mean I have the rest of the week off. Al I have to do is the card for the landpeople and go. I mean there is a Wal-Mart stop, but really... I just have to be home for the end of the week.
Ffff....the boxes!
I'll feel it out in the morning.
Don't let me forget to tell y'all about when I decided t move my 'special' drawer.

so i am still awaiting RSVP's from people for Sunday. I just need to know how many buns to get@!

gotta get my buns in order!!!
Give a girl a Hand will ya!

blog on and mail me

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Good night

Friday, August 24, 2007

i am taking my computer apart tonight after work.
I won't be hooked up again till sometime monday.
have a good weekend!

Blog on

Thursday, August 23, 2007

September 2nd!! Party! Me & the Queen. New HOme!!

New House!

Late Afternoon.....into the evening. 2 PM

Open house BBQ House Warming!!!

Please come.

There will be boxes all over and only a few chairs. I will BBQ burgers and make a potato salad. If i can muster more....than there will be more!

bring a chair and whatver your choice of bevvy.
Cool if you want to bring something else to munch on....cause I am pretty sure i will be spent!

Come. Just stop by or stay for the evening.
Help me with some positive energy into OUr New Home!


RSVP via and I will give yu the address.

Don't mind the Kaos, as I am sure there will be lots.

I would love to show off my new place!

All Kinds of casual.

Let's Do It!
Show my home a good time!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Charlotte said a prayer.
I tried it
it worked!

So waht was this morning?
No monitor!
You can't run a computer without a monitor

I am under the gun blogger dudes.
its only a couple more days till the movers are here.

poolis drained. I pulled that fucker up the porch tonight to dry out. Someitmes I look back and just amaze myself. Mountain is working overtime this week. He came over and couldn't believe Id; done it on my own.
Than we proceeded to take 2 trips and 2 car loads over to the new place.

Guys....i am so over whelmed.
i have gone thru and decided and gotten rid of so much stuff.
You have no idea. and still it won't fit.
Ffff-i stil have to clean!!!!
I want to be done here by Sunday that is my goal.

right at this moment.....I odn't see how that is going to happen

i am truly tooo overwhelmed

see you for a bit my monitor passed away this morning. I am on Berts PC. guess I will and you will be in dark till nexdt week! Later blogger dudes.

Monday, August 20, 2007

no more time

My moving is taking over my life.
Most of my upstairs, whatever can fit in a closet or cupboard is over and in.
Now Its time to tackle the basement.
My dryer Sold yesterday afternoon. YaY! Anybody want a free washer?
I still have loads of Carp in my carport. Alot of it Good carp. A lot of it not.
What do they do with Carseats taht have expired?
My Christmas stuff is Not going to fit at the new place. I don't know what I am going to do.
I want to get more of my shelves over.
I need a truck.
Pool is draining.
What I really need is a day or two without work and without Charlotte and I bet I could plow thru most everything.

Wedding went awesome last night.
Ddin't get home till 12:30. I tired today. But I still have so much Fucking shit to do tonight!
I'm not going to get that vacation am I?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

So Much to Do

So much work to be done here.

My dishwasher got a home yesterday. YaY!!!
Doen't anyone want my dryer?
Its wonderful and I love it. Someone pleez buy it!!
150bux and its yours! Not even 2 years old yet.

Oh well.
I suppose someone will eventually want it. Hopefully this week! The movers come next saturday. So between now and then.............FFFFFF so much work to be done.
Getting all the crap I am not keeping out into the carport. The rolling of carpets. Man I have a lot of carpets. and I am keeping them till I can figure out what to do with them. Excpet one of my basement ones. Bert if you want it.....come and get it baby!
Mountain re-did my whole bathroom yesterday! Gto rid of the shower doors and everything. He is so great! He c(aul)ked all afternoon in my bathroom. HAHAHAHA!!! I can't talk about it without giggling. I am so mature.
So now all that needs to be done is the stairs and landing off the back door.
I am bitter that I have to work today.
Wedding. Plate service. I HAVE to be there. I have so much work here. Ugh!
Oh well its extra hours and I need em' I have all next week off till Charlotte is back in school. I can hardly wait.
If I can get it all done this week........we might be able to have some sort of real vacation!
Keep your fingers crossed Blogger dudes!

Blog On!

Friday, August 17, 2007


Hee! Hee!

so I got the Keys!

we are In!

got most of my kitchen in. Girls with boxes. Like that isn't Ever a fun time!

Mountain set to work today at Home Depot. Getting the things he needs to complete his list.

Yah Know.....Despite the issues we might have....they are so small in comparison to how wonderful he truly is. Tomorrow The Queen and I are off to a 1st B-day for Berts baby boy! Mountain will be at the house C(aul)lking my bathroom. Sorry. It makes me giggle every time someone says they are c(aul)lking in my bathrooom.

So i am thinking about a Party for Labour day long weekend if we are in town. If You are in town? A house warming BBQ....the sunday? Depends on feedback of course

give it some think.

for now-we are busy just moving on in!

Blog on Dudes

Thursday, August 16, 2007

DAmn it

I was Fucking around with my password and I lost all my facebook stuff!

Damn it!
DAmn it!
DAmnn it All 2 Hell!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Keys tomorrow!
Keys tomorrow!
keys Tomorrow!!!!

I am only just a Weee bit wcited.

So Larry-rick is alive. He's clearly a very sick sick person that put me thru some pretty major emotional bad stuff. He has a Split personality maybe???
he was pretending to be several different real people. How creepy is that! I am just glad we are moving cause that is jsut waaay freaky.
But you know what?
I am just too happy. I dealt with the learning of his alivedness last summer when it first was brought to my attention that it was a possibility. I lost my mind each time something else was wacky with the whole Jenny situation. Stuff just didn't ad up. Anyhow.....I don't have the time to worry about some vile Creature that lied and took advantage of my gulliblness and good nature. His time will come and Karma will catch up with him all on its very own self. Especially since it appears the 'who he is' aspect of it all could really blow up in his face. Life will catch up with him yet.

i am so Happy and Excited about my house tomorrow!
My darling Mountain....who is real...will bring some boxes over with him when he comes and The Queen and He and I will all sit and enjoy a take out meal of some kind whilst I put away my kitchen stuff.
Mountain called me from home hardware, where he was checking out what they have for the makings of the stairs I need from my back porch. What a Sweetheart!
He is preparing himself as he has said he will do it for me.
He has a little work to do in the crawl space as well. So off he is educating himself on such things.
He is darling.
So I will keep you updated on my moving situation.
Doodle the sandbox is here.
There are clothes too Steph?
i think the ikea shelves Mountain is taking for Tea.
sounds like I found a buyer for my dishwasher. but I still have my maytag dryer.
If yhou are in the neighborhood and want to check out what I am getting rid of.....i am purring it all on the left-hand side of my carport. I'll be calling the Canadian Diabetes to come get it next week I think.
there are dishes and 2 sewing machines! One of them in its own self contained table!
Somewhere in there I will be computerless too.
well, till monday Aug 27th!
Hopefully we will be done cleaing here and the Queen and i can be MIA for a few days at that point.
We sure deserve it, so I really hope it happens. gotta sweat now though and get this place taken care of so the other can happen.
Sleep well Blogger Dudes!

Blog on!~

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Larry" is not dead

Used by the Ex

Its the part where I know he is being used by the ex.

Mountain is a vry sweet man. His heart is soo big and he is genuinly kind. He doesn't have an angle he just does stuff.
Its the part where i really see this woman using him and using her kid to get stuff. Thats what I don't like.
I mean. I've already said I would invite her and her mother over for dinner once we are settled in the new house. Part of me figure's once she meets me she will just back off on her own. The other part figures If you can't beat em' join em'
The big picture being......
do I want to break up over this?
Do I want to not have Mountain around?
Do I want to be alone again?
He is someone to grow old and sit on the porch with. He is someone that accepts me for who I am. These have been super hard qualities to find in the past. This is someone I love and accept. He is a hard worker and a decent man.
He is with me. Thru our yelling, he has made that very clear.
He just has never done this before. Relationship with kid. So he doens't know. Maybe as he talks to his buddies at work or around about how I got bent they might help him to realize......

I jsut don't like him being used for money, rides....that has jsut got to stop! As soon as the Fat ex finds a new boyfriend Mountain will be out of the picture and then all this will be for what? adn his heart will break. I jsut hate it!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Just booked my 2 Small men with BIG hearts for SAturday Aug. 25th 2pm!!!!

I am aiming to get most of my boxes there before moving day and unpacked. At least my kitchen if nothing else.
Frig! What corner of the living room am I going to set up my fish tank? yikes. Its not like I can just move it later..............

So anyone wanting to get a peak at my new re More than welcome! Jut meet me at the old place. Grab a box. Sweep a floor, Or dig a bit of dirt and follow me over!
Thats all I'll be doing this weekend coming up and all next week.

Seriously! I totally mean it. Come lend a hand!

Blog On Dudes!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

3 more DAyz and I get the Keys!!!

so Excited!
can you tell?

I get the keys by noon on Thrusday. How great is that?
I think its time to just start hucking stuff in boxes. i mean seriously. I've gone thru so much of it. gotta take another load to MCC tomorrow and there is still stuff to take there!
From thursday on it will be a load to the new house a load to MCC.
Shanna if you want that SAndbox....come get 'er baby! I'd rather it went to someone I know.

I had a nice dinner last night out with the girls. Cursed pasta! I should have jsut stuck to the Calamari. I was waaay to full. Thanks Mandy for stepping in for my last night and showing the Queen a good time.
As I have read, the rest of the evening didn't go as well for some.........

Okay. I better go pack another box.

Blog on Dudes!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


"I'm gonna be taking tea shopping the last week of August for new school clothes.
Leah figures we're going to The Gap. Like thats going to happen."

Wait a minute.
not only are you spending a 'couple hundred bucks' on this girl. But you are playing house with the mommy while you do it!
Why is it up to you to buy all her FFFFing clothes and why the Fuck are you going with that bitch!
A few things is one thing. Going on a special shopping time with just her, the kid....or with me and C and Tea.....but with Leah!
Not a fucking Chance!
i held my tongue.
i will sit on this a bit.
it may become less salty and bitter by the morning

Its the morning. I'm still annoyed. But thinking it thru better. We have not had a major boundary talk about this yet cause I figured it would just sort itself out. (sometimes these things do. When so much of nothing is said and subjects are changed hints are given and recieved) but this doens't seem to be.
I know lots of split up parents and they certainly don't go shopping with the ex. Nor is it on their shoulders to purchase ALL the back to school stuff.
Its usually
.. ....okay what else do they need I'll take them this weekend and get the rest........or..........where are you going to shop? Here's a couple gift cards for those places......
He's not going to like it.
He's going to be pissed.
but I am pissed too and I feel, rightfully so!

Blog On!

Oh which reminds me.
We have a fallen Blogger and I am not sure why! Berta! Come back to us!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Getting There

So things are moving along.
WE go sign the papers tomorrow! How exciting!
I am busy trying to figure out if I should send Charlotte to Prince George or not for a week. A week is a long time and she has NEVER been away from me for that long before. And Its not like I can Just go get her if she has a bad time. I mean Prince George is a 9 hour drive from here.
I would meet the other parents in 100 Mile and they would take her the rest of the way.
I don't know. Great opportunity for Charley but.....I think of safety issues and stuff. A week.....hmmmmm.
I would get a lot doen though in that week of moving stuff.
Speaking of.....
I think I am going to hire someone to move me.
Trying to confirm people to helpme move is like Jewel trying to confirm people for this weekend.
Its gonna cost a bundle to move my piano might as well fork out the extra bucks. than it'll be done in a couple hours and Mountain and I will still be speaking in our quiet voices to each other.
So I had the pleasure of enjoying some spinach dip this evening. What The Fuck am I allergic to in there? I can't eat anything anymore!
Friggin Pinks mucked up my whole system.
Speaking of that......
I am doing really well these days. Anxiety seems to be in check. Mothers' helper in check as well. How great is that!
Went and bought some Back to School clothes for The Queen after work. Frig she is in a size 8 now! And a Large at please mum. what the frig happened to 7 and medium?
Too Big she is getting.
She is going thru a lot with this move. She is and has been sleeping with me for the last few weeks. She climbs in early in the middle of the night.
Part of me wants to toss her out. The other part realizes she jsut needs mummy right now and the stability I provide. Her whole little life is upside down. this was not the summer-of-fun we had planned out in June. So in my bed i will let her be. Cause in a few years she will not even entertain the thought. So i will cherish this for now and be her hero.
So next Thursday is Possesion DAy! I get the keys and start moving my kitchen in first. I can harldy wait.
gotta dig up some more shrubs and get them over there too! Hehe!
so exciting.
I'll have to have an open house near the end of September....a little house warming maybe. hmmmm. we'll see.
Anyhow nite. I'm bagged
Blog on Dudes

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Are you Renting or Owning....

at the new address???

Each voice on the phone asked (accept for Telus; bastards)??

I am Owning

Wow! Who new that would be such a wonderful thing to say?
I will be owning.
i am the owner.
Is the owner of the home here? Yes! Yes I am!!!

Changed my services over this afternoon.

I can't believe it. Its almost done.
Thanks Dad!

turns out IT was Worth it???? Hmmmmm Maybe

Blog On Dudes!