Friday, August 31, 2007

Its My House!

I am 37 and Finally own my own home.

I am just sooo excited!

I have an extra shelf somehow. Its been drfting in my livingroom for days.
I can't find my candles.
my bedroom shakes when the big trucks go by.
I really want to have sex, but I'm too tired to do anything about it.
It is entirely possible I have too many personal pictures to put up on the walls.
My real-guy is taking care of my pump pond situation. I am so glad for that. So hopefully I can decorate my pond and fill it with Goldfish! How fun. Today i think we are housebound. Trying to find a space for my steam cleaner and my vaccuum. They sure as H. E. double hockey stix ani't goin in my room! This you will see when you come on Sunday. This room is FULL!
Okay. Time for Pancakes!

Later Y'all!


Winnie said...

What about one of those small aluminum sheds from the depot....or make the hall closet..if you have one storage for bedding under beds they belong to in those long flat totes or those bags you vacum down...towels...many shelves going up above the toilet???
Just bouncing off ideas here..brainstorm...
maybe that extra shelf is telling you something???
And why do you write about sex after telling us how your bedroom shakes...when trucks go by...LOL!!

steph said...

millions of storage solutions for small places... I think you are just over whelmed by the amount of stuff right now. Dig through little by little hon... you will get there!

Kristi said...

i'm outta money

gotta work with what I got

which is fine cause I actually got a lot!!!

underbeds are full.
just gota re-organize closets now to fit other carp.
its coming.........

Chris said...

I am glad your real-guy is taking care of your pump pond situation.

Kristi said...
