Tuesday, March 27, 2012


So now I am allergic to that!
how many things can I possibly have a reaction to?
Suffered beyond any normal allergic reaction all day yesterday. Forced to take a sick day. It was awful. Sneezing like crazy. so much taht my lats hurt today and I think I have minor whiplash.
So what is it in the dietary pill that I might react to? Could be passionflower, maybe they use an egg as a binding agent ...... dunno....... but those are being tossed. So much for cheating to get my metabolism kick started.
I think I am allergic to sour cream now too. This sucks! Eggs, sour cream, cedar trees, celery raw carrots ...... the list just goes on. My body thinks everything is an enemy

Sunday, March 25, 2012

1, 2, 3

When is it that you realize you drink too much?
Who is it that tells you?
is it yourself. the voice inside your head that tells you to put that bottle there and this bottle here ......
is it your husband
is it your child
is it your family
what about your friends
what if you know but really just don't want to stop forever because you remember what it was ike before. That was worse than it is now. Is it? thinking back. Is it?
Remember the nights alone. The social evenings out (not). The clumsy. Yup - you can tell when I am sober. Can't form a sentence without stumbling over words and trip over my own feet.
but ..........

Monday, March 12, 2012


I have a girlfriend who has lied and made bad decisions her whole life. Over the last few years it has all been catching up to her.
Now her latest web of lie's may land her in jail for tax fraud.
She's been living with her boyfriend for at least 10 years. She's been claiming single the whole time. Someone reported her and she has just lost her monthly disability check. They are investigating her. That is the quick version. I am sick for her when I think about it.
I think about the bill I got a few months ago for Child Tax and GST becaseu now I am married - and that was only a few months. Hers ............ and she was collecting for 3 kids!
The scenario's that are going on in my head from this are making me dizzy.
So ungood
Tax fraud is huge - the government doesn't like that

Tuesday, March 06, 2012


cut and pasted this off the net -

BCTF leave proposals include an increase in preparation time (non-teaching time for lesson preparation) to 25 per cent of a teacher's assignment.

There would be two additional days for report cards. Each teacher would receive one hour per student for preparing interim reports.

There is a logic there which recognizes that a teacher's work is not confined to the classroom, although somebody else would have to be paid to be in the classroom and no professional's work is ever done within fixed hours.

But there's more. Up to 10 days of paid leave would be granted for the death of a friend or any relative plus two days for travel.

Eight days per year of paid discretionary leave would also be available.

Sick days could be claimed at the rate of two per month (now 1.5) plus five days per year for chosen professional activities and five more days of paid leave to meet responsibilities for care, health or education of a child or "any other person."

Sick leave alone, without any increase, is already an enormous unfunded liability that sits like the proverbial tectonic fault line under the shaky surface of all school district budgets.

Here's the problem. A teacher who takes all their sick leave (plus any of the other proposed leaves) each year, would theoretically be out of the classroom for many days each year, during which time the employer would, again, presumably pay a second teacher to do the same job.

There's a proposed provision for 26 weeks of fully paid leave for direct or indirect compassionate care to (and I quote) "any person." That would be 130 more days with the same job being paid twice.

A teacher who chose to take the 26 weeks (130 days) of "fully paid leave per year for direct or indirect compassion-ate care to any person," plus all the other leaves could theoretically be on leave for more days than there are in the 190-day school year.

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news/Many+teachers+uncomfortable+with+their+union+demands/588113