Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Charlotte said a prayer.
I tried it
it worked!

So waht was this morning?
No monitor!
You can't run a computer without a monitor

I am under the gun blogger dudes.
its only a couple more days till the movers are here.

poolis drained. I pulled that fucker up the porch tonight to dry out. Someitmes I look back and just amaze myself. Mountain is working overtime this week. He came over and couldn't believe Id; done it on my own.
Than we proceeded to take 2 trips and 2 car loads over to the new place.

Guys....i am so over whelmed.
i have gone thru and decided and gotten rid of so much stuff.
You have no idea. and still it won't fit.
Ffff-i stil have to clean!!!!
I want to be done here by Sunday that is my goal.

right at this moment.....I odn't see how that is going to happen

i am truly tooo overwhelmed


Family Of Five said...

You can do it!!! I thought the very same thing when we moved in March. I wish I could help!!

Anonymous said...


there is just sooo much and I have a carport full and I already had a garage sale and I still have too much stuff!
And its not even the too much stuff aspect. Its the part where I have Absolutly NO PLaCe to put it at the new house
Funny thing is.....I am Not a pack-rat!
I am just glad that my monitor is suddenly working.
The power of a childs prayer. Amazing!

Shanna said...

Hey - called ya, and stopped by but no you. You were probably at the new place - etc. Sorry I missed ya, but it was a last minute trip in between other commitments. Murphy's law that everything is happening at the same time this weekend:P

Kristi said...

I am still working sweet Doodle.

Next week is my time off.
this of course being Thrusday is my early day. Thank-Goodness!
Cause I have Loads to do.
Feel free to go thru the stuff in my carport too. There's a booster seat there among other things.

Okay off I go taking another load to the house b-4 picking up the Queen from daycare.......

Shanna said...

OHhhh...I thought you were off this week! Silly me - hehe - ah time is melding together!

I may have to do an emergency trip to the mall tonight or tomorrow so maybe I will stop in again.

Kristi said...

no matter how you look at it I am in Hell at this moment.

I am getting there.
home again now. Going thru my 'storage' *sigh*

Seriously Doodle. there are a few boy type things in my carport you mihgt want for Ry. Hotwheels track and such. Give it a looksee.
the diabetes people are scheduled for tomorrow