Friday, July 22, 2011


So my Sister wacked out on me on Tuesday. Why it was her problem, I'll never know. Freeking out about my bartender. My bartender that happens to be her friend .
She had said in an email that she would be good to be there early to set up. 10AM - when suddenly, she forgot. So the Bartender texted Sister. Big mistake. Sister starts freeking out aobut where is she gonna go all day after set-up. And why does she have to be there so early ect. ect.
Well first of all, Sister its not your business and doesn't concern you. Ms. Bartender is more than welcome to come back to my house to get herself ready. This i have already conveyed to her. If you don't want her at your house, then just tell her that. No she is not paying for ice and I Never said she was going to have to. She can get most of her ice from Stephie's restaurant. She and Steph spoke of this at the stag. No she doesn't HAVE to be there that early - i can easily ask soemone else to set up her bar and chill all the wine. Its not the end of the world. I jsut need to know if she is still a hand with decorating. I have lots to decorate and set - up, but more is good. The sooner everyone is out of the hall the better. The groom needs to done by noon in order to be able to get himself ready for his own wedding. Being done at Noon gives him an 1 1/2hrs to decompress, eat lunch and get himself pretty. That's actually not a long time. So 2 hours to set up - deal with any issues at the hall - or fine tune any decoration dilemma's is plenty of time with a good team. So mind your own business Sister and stop borrowing trouble.
Now my MIL - she has not and was not truthful about her intentions. So the British have flown over to Vancouver, then flown to Campbell River to visit, then come here. Ma Never ever had any intentions of leaving the island any earlier than THE DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING!!!
Sis'inlaw has managed to budge her to Wednesday. The British had intended to come over on Monday - we had plans for the whole week! We are all pissed. Had Ma been honest, the British could have flown in to Vancouver - gotten a room there and enjoyed the city for a few days, gone to 'visit' ma, then come oever for the wedding. MNTN is so upset by his mother. Her selfishness. The British came for His wedding!
Ahh well - so now I have a few more days to be ready before the house guests arrive. Guess that's not so bad. Just sucks that it eats up the only visiting day. So, so crazy back to back busy by wednesday of next week.
WEll now that I've vented i feel good.
off I go to weddingweddingweddingweddingweddingweddingwedding.........

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