Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mom's Words

my mom made me think......

I've been thinking

I'm having thoughts - second thoughts - first thoughts - analyzing - getting on the future train - and looking at what is right in front of me with a different set of eyes

can I live with his juvenile behaviour, constantly having to fight the obvious, the bitchy spells, the swearing, the kid........

WE have the same hopes and dreams, that part is Great. We see a similar future. he is my partner in so many ways. we do get along great, but there are these few things. And when they come up.......

I get bitchy or start to go over the edge he comes over and gives me a hug. Then I realize i have gone to the bad side and work really hard at either not taking it out on him or Charley. Or I work really hard at getting out of it.

i try that with him! and Holy heck! I am the one with the problem! he's "fine and stop touching me! *sigh*!!!" Maybe its my tactic I need to refine. he doens't respond....I'll have to find another way......suggestions?

I am pondering and thinking


jewels said...

ummm - havent you "refined" enough? isnt it his turn?

Kristi said...

that would be with the kid.....and my dad took care of that.
but now he is holding this ridiculous childlike/woman like grudge against him. I know he will get over it. and I know it will pass.
My mom called him personally to ask him to come to Thanksgiving dinner. He said he would. but why be so stupid. He was wrong. my dad called him up short and told him so. Be a man, accept it, and move on!

and since that took place in Aug he's been such a child about it. made me start to notice other imature attitudes he takes every once in awhile. I talked to my mom about it. So now thats why i am over-thinking.

Besides the part where what-if the talk my dad Did have with him didn't change anything with Teag? I will know soon. Halloween is coming. thats the first one. Than her Birthday in Nov and finally, Christmas season......

I also wonder if part of me just wants to be single cuz I've been it for so long and this is just my way of pulling back cuz i'm actaully freaking out! So now I am looking for things to bug me

steph said...

This could be a classic sabatoge behavior or it could be some cold feet. Irregardless of what is motivating you to feel the way you do, doesn't change that you feel it. Forever is a looooong time.

Kristi said...

it is a Long Time!

and i am doing some serious thunk about it