Wednesday, May 03, 2006


A fallen Blogger!
What The hell happpened?
I go to see....go to check.....he's anounced 'he's done'
Who said what to whom and What The Hell!

Larry is my friend, whom I like very much. I am quite upset about this.
I mailed and I have yet to hear from him.
i called and i got voicemail.
Larry is a funny guy. Fabulous sense of humour. He tells the truth cause what else is there. His heart is huge......

Larry! Darling! What has happened?

you've just got to ...........Blog On!!


pkeclub said...
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Kristi said...

There was argueing!
f...? You aren't pissed enough to use the whole word?
Holy Carp!
i missed the argueing. Causght a bit in the end......
DAmn. What the Heck happened?
I will look forward to you call.

Kristi said...

i just did something I NEVER do......
i deleted a fellow bloggers comment.
i did as i think its an argument that is a difference of opinion and perspective and better left to argue in private.
i am sure that an agreement and common ground can be found as the 2 are just not parallel.
As soon as they are level I'm actually quite condfidant that they will come to an understanding.

yes! I do think you will given the opportunity.

Kristi said...

of course thats only if both parties want to make a mends of course

Anonymous said...

I had just started reading that blog! It was laugh out loud funny! I dunno I might have been a little upset about some of the comments if it was me he was refering to...but unless he made the whole thing EVERYONE goes brazilian...Binda if you are is time.

Kristi said...

He is damn funny!

Chris said...

Wow, blog drama.