So it was a plan that came together.
Margarita's on Saturday!!
What a great plan.
heck I need a blender. What a better reason to get one!
This was the weekend that Larry and I were tossing around as the weekend we would get togehter for the first time. Depending of course of the Corn.
Friggin corn!
So what a better plan than to have Muck come and enjoy blender drinks!!
She brought her oldest daughter with her. Charley was so thrilled.
So Muck and I blended and drank Blackberry Margs.
The girls did their thing. WE watched Ghostbusters!
I talked her ear off about Larry. Missing him more and more by the minute. Friggin Guy! Soon we were out of ice.
No worries. I have all those bottles of wine in my basement!!
So we thought we'd drink that till the ice iced itself again.
We weren't getting much peace from the girls for our chatting and catch up.
so i said...........LETS GO!!!!
Called a cab and we FFFed off.
Ended up in a the only bar in town.
We jsut had the best time.
We danced. We played pool. I made this really awesome shot! i was so pleased especially since I couldn't see straight to save my life!
I don't even know how we ended up talking to Jerry.
i am really not sure how that came about at all.
He was 6'5. Who the hell is 6'5! He was my pool partner.
I kept looking at him the whole time thinking hmmmm......Larry was 6'2.
i was missing Larry so much by this time.
I'm so pissed off that he died. Some of his words to me those last days were to love and let myself be loved. What The Hell! I told him I already did. I found him. it took me a long time to find him. We both cried........its funny how when you know you are dying or when you know the person is dying how everything they say becomes so important. You hang on every syllable cause it could be their last.
The whole time I'm talkign to Jerry I kept wondering if Larry would approve of this man. He was really quite sweet and gentlemanly. I've seen him around throughout the years.
The end of the night came.
Here, 1AM is the end of the night.
so we called our cabbie. Yes we had our very own private cabbie. And all piled in.
no i don't think I invited him.
Although I was trashed so i suppose its possible. Jerry came with us. WAnted to make sure I was okay.
I remember laying my head in Mucks lap and closing my eyes.
i remember hearing Muck explaining to jerry that him coming in was not a good idea. She would take care of me.
i remember getting to my front door and not being able to get in cause the chain was on it.
Then I remember opening my eyes. My digital clock in my face telling me it was 8:18AM.
My contacts are still in. Carp!!
i look down. i'm still fully dressed. I quickly reach behind me and feel the bed.
i'm alone.
What the Hell happened?
I leap out of bed. Cause i have to leave in an hour for work. Where is everyone?
Charley is asleep on the couch. Muck is in her bed. Al is on the floor. No Jerry.
I come to learn that Muck Got Jerry back in the cab. Came up. I was already passed out. She removed my shoes for me and went to bed.
I spent the day feeling like Holy Carp! Still trying to remember the end............But it was so much fun!!!
Jerry phoned my cell about 3.
I miss Larry
I don't really think he was invited. I thought he was just cab sharing... LOL.... oh gosh...
I had to push him back up the driveway. "go home Jerry, you are not coming in here." I walked him right to the cab. Then I went in.
Oh, and lets not forget that Jerry was ringing the doorbell after I went to bed. I didnt hear it. Lexi woke me up and I told her to go back to bed and ignore it. He'd go away. lol... i'm so considerate at 1:30 in the morning.
I heard Nothing!!!
he called yesterday afternoon to see how i was feeling.
Not So Hot! Was my answer....
Margaritas again this saturday with Steph. WAnna come?
I'm gonna ask Jerry to join us!
In a little restuarant not far from Her house.....
Summer is so much fun!
I already told the owner of that establishment to get the blender ready! My oldest friend will also be joining us so it should be soooo fun! Please come Shari I am so bummed I missed the action of last saturday! We can re create it I promise only this time we will end up on a barge in the middle of the ocean in only our socks! Watch the boy squirm under both of our watchful eyes!
WOW kristi sounds like you girls had a a blast!!! Summer is a time to kick back and get drunk hehe.
Awweee girls... I can't this weekend. This weekend we leave on our second annual family camping trip. Love, love love the camping. =)
But I so want to help make em squirm. Still thinking about the whole barge/ocean/socks thing. hehe.
just socks........
Charley will be gone for the whole weekend......
Yah not to sure what to do with the guy yet. I'm just not going to think about it! I'm just gonna do!!
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