Saturday, June 17, 2006


On my way home last night from work my phone rings........
"where are you?"
'on the freeway'
"its 9:30. isn't that when you get back into town?"
'yah. but i thought I'd stop at Wal-Mart and pick up a few things before I headed back'
"So what are you doing when you get back"
'opening a bottle of wine and eat some M&M's'
"want some company?"
So he turned up at my door about 10:30.
we chatted and talked till my bottle of wine was empty. A bottle of wine gets me quite smashed. Its not at all like the olden days anymore,
Then we made out till 3 in the morning.
No, there was no sex.
Amazing i know. especially with where my mind is these days. Just kissing. Really good kissing. Curl your toes kissing. i love kissing. Not that he didn't come up with some very good reasons why i should be naked and why i should let him touch me there and how Hot i am.
You know you can never hear that enough. How Hot you are.
so I sent him home. Penis in hand cause i don't put out on the first date. Which actually its kinda the second date cause i played pool with him last week on our first date type experience.
So tonight i see him again for margaritas and Steph time.

I've decided he is a summer fling. I didn't know what to do with him. Now i've got it. Figured it out this morning. The "Tall Dude summer fling".

so being that he is a summer i put out on the 3rd date?

yes i have already thought of Larry and what he would say.........
and if you know him you know what he would say too.
Go! do it! Tell me all the details tomorrow!!!
Its just about me and my levels of guilt and emotions. Its been nearly a year. I was thinking i was gonna be wholesome till marriage. Of course I don't think marriage is gonna happen for me so why the heck am i torchering myself?
Holy Carp!!
I'm Like a Virgin!
Where the Hell is Madonna!


steph said...

Don't worry i hear it's like riding a bike just more slippery...I am totally giggling right now... margarita night tonight me and the pink top are going to make our debut! ( sans hickies!)more giggling....

Kristi said...

giggle all you want cause its funny

Stephen said...


Kristi said...

his work thing went late.
i never saw him.
which is fine.
life has a way of working out as it should.
I just go iwth it