Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Seems i was attacked again.
only this time it was on Steph's blog in the comments.

non other than.......Michelle.

Now I can say a lot of nasty things back to you. Cause trust arsenal is probably a lot larger than yours.
But I don't think I will. Cause at this point, I think Outing you is enough.
Don't ever come back here again.
you are not welcome


Anonymous said...

wow, you know who annonymous is? Way to call it. How cool to insult, and run... no name given. Thats so LAME.

jewels said...

You go super sleuth!

shari said...

It's not Michelle. You made a mistake. You need to apologize.

Mandy said...

Kristi, I promise you that Michelle would never say something like that. She is not mean-spirited like that. Please believe me, she would never speak so hatefully to you or anyone.

Kristi said...

Sorry. the Numbers speak for themselves.
I wouldn't accuse if i wasn't sure cause this is a huge thing.

Sue said...

You really don't know Michelle at all if you think she would do something like that. You've made a huge mistake and she does deserve an apology.

Anonymous said...

It's sad that blogs get like that - can you block anonymous posters? That's the way to end it.

jewels said...

Hmmmm... I think I am going to have to agree with the massess here. I have been reading Michelle's blogs for quite some time now - I just don't see it in here to be that mean verbally.

The thing is - if you have a comment - leave it - but have the courage to leave your name.

Kristi said...

you can argue and defend and thats what a loyal friend would do.
When numbers don't change over 2 hours and then don;'t change within minutes....When they have always been the same whenever she comments......they are comparable between the 2 blogs and totally match up....

you can't tell me the arrow doens';t point in that direction.
I will not apoligize.
i am not wrong.
I'm sorry that it was her.
but facts are facts.
if you can prove it different with facts that are better than mine i would like that.
but just on word.....forget it.
she was hurtful and that is shitty cause i had some trust invested there.

Sue said...

the #'s just mean that that person comes from her blog to yours and out again. not that she was the one leaving the comment. you have misinterpreted the way your tracker works. unless you know her IP address, you can't say it was her, and even that is not infallible. have your friend block anonymous comments.

Family Of Five said...

I know nothing of all this... but I do know you can block anonymous comments. I have seen it on other blogs before. Good luck!

Miss-buggy said...

Michelle is not the hurtful type. You are calling her hurtful but how is it that what you have said here is not hurtful. Michelle would never say anything rude or mean. You do realize that the numbers aren't always right? Right? Mine can say one number and then another later.
You have gone too far and you do need to appologize. What are we in grade school?
Block annonymour comments to stop things like that from happening. You are asking for it when you chose to allow annonymous comments. The person who commented the way they did is probably laughing cause the finger got pointed wrongly at someone else. Reading the comment shocked me cause that is somethign that Michelle would NEVER say. Not even jokingly. I have never known her to use those words.
YOu really do need to appologize. Not take it out like this as a child would do. Could you not have talked to her one on one rather then announcing it for the world to read? I am appaled. You need to understand that it really isn't that easy to track people that way.

Anonymous said...

Now there's only one way to prove this.

What floats? Wood!

Do witches float? Yes!

Throw here in the water and if she floats she's a witch so you can burn her!

Anonymous said...

Kristi, Why blog? I don't understand why you put up with this type of behavior. I said when daddy died I didn't understand this blog world and now after you are attacked (unprovoked I might add)you and all your friends just continue "blog on" Why?? You are a beautiful woman with a great personality with a great child and a great new job, so my question remains ...Why? Stay strong and stay sober (please) and keep loving that sweet and beautiful girl and your life will be wonderful.

steph said...

Guys...hey I am with Kristi on this one she has access to my stat counter. I let her into it and she can verify who it was by the ip address. The problem isn't what was said but the fact that she said it anonymously. I have said way worse to Kristi,in the heat of the moment, and to her credit she took it! If you thought the costume was slutty than just say so! Jeez that is pretty lame thing for her to get mad about considering she is the one that said the word wench. The reason I would be uber pissed is because it was really shitty to say it in a cowardly way. As for the childish comments come on! I think it was handled well, it you don't like what you read about somebody hit next blog don't be ugly that is childish! She did it. It is in black and white and I checked myself, own it!

Anonymous said...

You are both so WRONG ...poor Michelle :-(

Anonymous said...

you claim you have proof, yet you provide none..

what is the exact IP address you claim it is from.

also A screen shot of the other details would also be helpful. giving
Browser type, screen size, OS etc...

I could claim claim you sell chipmunks as slaves.
but without evidence your claim holds no water.

Anonymous said...

If its true that it was within minutes and hours of each comment. The numbers remained the same, I think your friend has duped you all. She got caught red handed with her hand in the cookie jar. I'm with Steph and Kristi.

Anonymous said...

come on. Read M's blog. Read back in her archives. Is what you are accusing her of consistent with her post tones? Has she EVER been vicious? Has she ever used harsh words like that? She has been nothing but beyond compassionate to you Christi, with all of your issues, even the last one that caused you the loss of a friendship. All she ever did was offer kind words to you. And yet you jump into attack mode on her, when you know that it could have been anyone who went thru her blog to yours. Think about it, you are hurting an innocent person, a person who does not need this stress in her life right now.
You have had negative comments before, aimed at you, this is not new to you. You absolutely owe her an apology.

jewels said...

Hmmmm - I think that I will have to change my vote...

James Goudie said...

if you don't have a static ip address, you won't keep the same ip address forever. most isps do dynamic addressing for residential households. meaning, when you start your computer up, you get a new ip. when your ip expires, which it will you get a new ip. when you restart, you get a new ip. if you use a router, it will renew it automatically and you probably won't know it has changed. you can even force a new ip address if you wanted to. i could get a new ip address now if i wanted. it might give me the same one, but it might not.

so what kind of time frame was it between comments? do you notice any differences in other peoples identities who post in both places? day to day.

michelle didn't do it and she deserves an appology. she is an awesome person.

James Goudie said...

hey first anonymous. who are you?

how long have you known kristi? it would be a more exciting game for you if you gave some hints wouldn't it?

male or female?

give her something to go on.

Kristi said...

Are you all on Crack!!!

Its not like I have a personal vendetta for this girl.
I was just as shocked.
however it reads as it reads. I can't change it.

had I said or linked it to Fred from alabama would y'all be like this?
you'd be all over his ass saying Way to go Kristi! you finally found one of the anonymous culprits.
it is what it is.

she was the only one there.
the only one on.
it all matches up.
you can't tell me that when you see 036 or 116 turn up on your counters you don't know its me!
the numbers don't change. Not like you seem to think they do. I follow it all the time.

I don't know why she did it. I don't much care. Fact is she did it and hid.
I am well aware of her support. Like I said I was surprised too as I had trust in her.
I didn't pick her on a whim.
I quite honestly have better things to do.
you are right Jenn. I do wonder.
so Get over yourselves!

steph said...

B&F You guys are nuts if you think I am going to let you into my stat counter! Link to me for my 2 cents but WTF I am confirming it! I saw it everything matches. The address, and the timing! Plus I love those who change their tune! Who cares how someone posts, that doesn't mean they won't hide behind the anonymous flag and be cowardly. Lee what happened to " that's so LAME" BRUTAL!

James Goudie said...

are there ever cases in real courts where people are wrongly accused? or maybe times in history where people were wrongly accused based on "some" evidence? and then later find out that the person is innocent?

would you rather hang now and ask later?

you will always be a friend of mine. but i really strongly disagree with you about michelle. she is innocent.

James Goudie said...

i honestly think your anonymous prick is someone who knows you very well.

James Goudie said...

hmm, i think my ip address changed!! how could that happen!

James Goudie said...

yet another ip address change

Anonymous said...

Maybe its you you freak

James Goudie said...

wouldn't that be a hoot!!

one thing i'd like to know. where did you get the ip address from the blogger comment. was it from blogger somewhere? if so where?

blogger has pretty crappy comment management. are you guessing based on data from your statscounter and the time of the comment?

Anonymous said...

I stand by my comment, "thats so lame", its regarding leaving a nasty comment, and not having the balls to stand by it. Accusing someone that wouldn;t harm a fly? "thats so lame".
Lets look at personality types, whose the more credible source?

Anonymous said...

And all this is why I am so glad that I'm married to a thoughtful, intelligent, educated woman.

Anonymous said...

don't bother james. I have tried to explain. There is no changing the mind of someone who is not listening.


Anonymous said...



I am not asking for your log-in info, just a screen shot.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you are the one who is not listening.

shari said...

the thing is, anonymous, that no one is saying kristi is lying. just that, because of knowing michelle's character and integrity, and knowing how IP's and stat counters work, I have a very good understanding of slim the chances are that these numbers actually are acurate and can lead to a spedific user. thats all. There has been a mistake. and sadly, both michelle and kristi are losing out because of it.

what i really really wish for, is that the anonymous creap who started all this by attacking kristi in the first place, would come forward, at least privately to either steph or kristi, so that michelle's name can be cleared and kristi can know who the true attacker is so she can deal with this accordingly. And I know Kristi well enough to know that she didn't say what she said to michelle or on her blog unless she was confident. so she isnt just jumping off on some wild tangent. she really beleives she has the confronted the right person. I know Michelle well enough to say, that it is not at all in her to have spoken that way to kristi, especially in such a cowardly manner. The error is in misplaced faith in these numbers. I just want this resolved.