Sunday, October 29, 2006

Golden Boy

Last night mountain man came over for a visit.
we just sat and talked for hours. No movie. No t.v. just talking. We haven't hung out all week. Turns out there was a lot to say.
I even braved the shaky ground and told him that Tall dude had been by.
Mountain and I are NOT an item, but i do know he has a crush on me. I do beleive we have a friendship and he deserves the respect that I am honest with him. He knows how I feel about Tall Dude. I could tell by the look on his face and the tone in his voice it was not easy for him to hear.
Not easy to hear that the man I love came over to visit.
Tall Dude is a big threat to him.
This I understand. I felt I owed it to him to be honest.
Than half-way thru our visit came a knock on the door.
It ws Tall Dude!
Was I uncomfortable?
He stopped by on his way out. Wanted me to go with him. Of course I was entertaining. Yes he had called first, but I turned my phone off when Mountain got there. I was really not expecting to see Tall Dude again after last night.
So he 'dropped' by.
Standing at my door with his freshly dyed hair and clean shaven face. He looked 10 years younger standing there.
Gold. He's putting it back to brown today.
I asked him if he was going into the witness protection program.
I told him to come by after his going away party.
He did.
WE talked briefly and then he fell asleep.
It was so nice. So comfortable. So natural.
i don't how comfortable he was sleeping in his jeans, but whatever.
He has gone to get the moving truck and get his things packed for his long journey across the BC.
He will try his best to get everything done today so that he can come here tonight and spend as much time with me as possible before he leaves.
He has pushed his leaving day back to Wednesday. Just to see if he can be with me some more.
To think he was going to just go.
He has been struggling with talking to me about it cause he knew it was going to be hard.
Frig! Alberta! This seriously sucks Ass!

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