Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Holy Huge Storm!!

Power is out Everywhere!
Had to pick up the Queen from school.
At 5PM people started pouring in from the street cause their power was out. Ours wasn't. At the restaurant that is. Not here at my house.

One of the peoples that came in for dinner was Mr. Big's best friend and a friend I'd never met before.
We chatted. He's still pretty cute!
Its nice to see old acquantances. Even if they are old reminders of the past.

One of my co-workers from the old place was in today too. Its his 40th on Friday. It would be nice if I could celebrate it with him! Boss Mitch came out of the kitchen and chatted him up with all his plans.

My parents were in today too! What a great day of everyone coming in for a visit! Everyone being impressed! Its jsut great!

On the downside.........I am thinking about evicting my nanny girl.
She has an on again off again romance with her boyfriend.
This would n't be so bad if she weren't mixing other boys in with it all. They are currently outside the front door arguing. This is after he's already left twice and been arguing in her room. When I first got home she said she wasn't expecting him. Yet he was at the door. she said she was going out and didn;'t want to see him. yet he's been here all night.
i know its all typical stuff.
She reaches out to me for help and then.........
Maybe I am just not ready for this.
Being in my room after 9 and hearing BANG! BANG! BANG! on my front door just doesn't work for me.
I just see the path.
i care for her vrey much. And if she doens't swing back to being the "not a bad kid" that i first met in the next couple weeks...............
i'm gonna have to make some decisions.
Cause now her lifestyle choices are affecting mine.


Anonymous said...

You need to keep your place stable & peaceful for YOU & your wee girl. Hard choice.

Anonymous said...

I still dont get why she doesnt live at home with her own parents

jewels said...

I with B - Where are here freakin' parents?
This is not your responsibility, Ms. Kristi with your huge heart, but if you feel the need to counsel this young thing than may I recommend TOUGH LOVE!
Kick her out - or threaten to.

Is she in school?

Kristi said...

I answered that question.
her dad hit her.
she went to a safe house.
they moved to kelowna without her. She stayed here in the safe house. Than the boyfriends mother took her in and now she is here.
the reason she is here is so she can go to school.
Otherwise she would have to work full time to live totally on her own or with a friend.
No time for school then.
Her parents have not even called here for her.
Not even on her birthday.
she has called them.......
its really quite sad.
but I have to think of Charlotte and what she may be learning from the constant going out. Staying out
I don't need that battle later

its just ME said...

lol after 9 and hearing the BANG BANG BANG, my pissed self would've had a nice little chat with the fella and sent him on his merry little way lol
I have NO patience for crap like that..............thats what the phone is for at that hour lol

Kristi said...

I just spoke to the non-lover ex roomate former living arrangements mother. (did you follow that)
Told her Nanny girl was on her last bit of my patience.
She didn't get up this morning and go to work either.
Says she is sick and called me from the clinic to tell me.
Get this.
she is with the non-ex-lover boyfriend!
yah. I kinda tattled. But I really would like to swing her back around and keep her.
she really values this womens words. so hopefully when the mother of the non-ex-lover boyfriends mother talks to them it might fix the issues.
if it doesn't.