Friday, November 17, 2006

House Rules

these are a few general house rules that I have and am going to reinforce.
What do you think?

-during the by 10pm. No more staying out at friends. This does not apply to Friday or Saturday evenings.
-social phone calls past 9/9:30 are not welcomed.
-no overnight guests
-no smoking in the house or yard
-no drugs
-guests can arrive before 9/10pm to take you out on the weekend. During the week before 8/9pm
-guests over during the week should be gone by 9:30/10pm.
-loud discussions outside where the neighbors can hear is not going to happen.
-loud discussions inside the house where Charlotte can hear is discouraged.
-guests arrive and leave thru the front door
-guests that I have not met are unwelcome in the house when I am not home.
-Respect my word and I will respect yours.

When a child is in your life. Whether you like it or not. You are a role model. You must watch what you say and do.

i think she is super pissed and is probably looking for a new place to live right this moment. But I will still try


Anonymous said...

good for you
the only thing I would have changed would have been more firm times either 9 or 9:30 because any thing like that can be seen as not a firm rule and thus cause to break
Now keep those rules and give them to your own child in like 5 years
you have already authored the house rules the battle is half won

shari said...

it is going to be hard to enforce rules that weren't laid out when she moved in in the first place. If she moved in thinking she was room mate and adult, then she is not going to accept being treated like a child (even thought she still is one).

steph said...

Nope! She is not going to listen. Why? Because she is an adult. Not by age but her parents threw her into early adulthood by leaving her here. You can't expect her to go back now. If she can't live like an adult she has to leave. She is not your child and nothing you do can make her. I know you love her but she isn't yours.

shari said...

i agree with steph. she is your roommate, tennant and friend, not your child.

Kristi said...

Oh I know.
But I wouldn't put up with it from a roommate either.
so out she goes.
charlotte is learning things from her.
And Yes. those rules were there when she moved in. they were spoken.
Its only been in the last couple weeks that things have changed.
So now I put them in writing.
she doens't like it.
she's out.
And I really don't have a problem with that.

Kristi said...

So i pulled out my secret weapon........

Auntie Missy

only thing Nanny Girl has a problem with is having to be home during the week. The rest of it she agreed to.