Saturday, January 27, 2007


oH YES i DiD!

Peeled them out of mine eyes early this morning.
Dry as dry could be.
My right eye is now scratched and hurts like a bitch!
Swollen. such pain. Dark sunglasses. I need a patch.
Do i goto the clinic?
What can they do for me?

It Mother Fucking Hurts!

What an Idiot i am


Anonymous said...

I'm glad I don't wear contacts!!! I had quite a good time last night. Exchanged phone #'s with someone too!
Hope you had a good time! How did you get home??? You left rather suddenly...
Hope your eye feels better soon, I can only imagine how it feels!
Miss K

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

Get some drops ... case here of someone who did this recently and the eye got infected and they lost the sight in it. Very important.

Chris said...

Glasses are sexy.

Kristi said...

so much pain I couldn't sit still. You know the kind......where you have to pee only you don't and you are climbing the walls and trying to get away from your own body. It was awful.
Than I started throwing up.
either from the pain or cause I was all off balance only being able to see out of one eye.
My mom came and took me to the clinic.
i got drops, an eyepatch and gravol.
I was so ill I thru up at the drugstore!!!! how embaressing.but I am all better now!
Yes I left suddenly.
I had a meltdown and thought it better I not do it there. Cause i had already started to. Felt it best I leave.
Called Mountain and he came.
I was sitting out on a park bench in the cold mumbling to myself.
I was going to walk home, but figured it wasn't going to be allso safe. so I called him and he got to deal with my meltdown my babbling.
He came back and checked on me in the morning and then later came back last night and stayed till this morning!
As a matter of fact he's coming back for dinner tonight!

What The Hell!