Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I know Anna Nicole Smith died.
I also shared in the dismay and wonderment of it all.
Yes i agree, a beautiful woman in many different ways. A most interesting life. And yes her likeness' to Marylynn are astounding.
but PLEASE let it be for a moment!!!
This poor dead woman!
3 days of her death was one thing....the mystery...the how-di't happen now....leave the family and the wanna- be- family be till it can be said what is actually going on.
come on Paparazzi! give them all one day! Just one. Really is it too much to ask.
then let us, the public know, all the details at one time instead of the day-by day thing.
Cause I don't know about you. but I can't stand heresay.
I will admit. I am as caught up in the mystery as anybody.
However. Let her rest in peace Will yah!
let me know ALL the details when ALL the details are in.
I mean really. that sweet wee child. My heart goes to her. so caught up......

And holy moly Brittany Spears!

Come on!

the chick had 2 babies. Left her husband. and is now out on the town.
Damn rights she's out on the town!!
post partum or not! She is going thru a lot.
so her publicist Throws her in Re-hab!
she doesn't need re-hab.
she needs a really good Girlfriend to blow off some steam with!
Leave her alone too.
She's also really young still and the world is at her feet.
Leave her alone to Party, fuck whomever, and finish what she started before she married K-Fed!
She'll find herself.
she has a million peopel to look out for her kids.
Just let her be!
Let her fuck up and around for a bit. she'll find her way.
we all go thru it.
Hers is just public is all: and money is no object.
Imagine if you could.............

blog on


jewels said...

hah ah ha ha ha ha - i cant believe you are blogging about anna and britt -
ha ha ha - i got a good chuckle
and hey - obviously the public cares or the news would let it die - drama sells

Michelle said...

and here I thought I was the only one who thought that way!! High five girlie!! lol

Kristi said...

I do genuinly feel bad for them and their families.
They are people too.

Five-up Chelle!

shari said...

I am not really one to give a rip one way or the other about celebrities and their drama...

oh ya... i'm still not...

I just feel bad for the children in these situations, but really, i don't care why ANS died, or why Britt is in freak mode.

I'm too busy with my own life to worry bout theirs. But that is just me. Sadly, millions of dollars are made very single day from the media exploiting the celebraties, because so many people buy into it all. a sad comment on our society.

Winnie said...

Oh my god I do wish they would back off! And I do feel for Brittany'because our boys were born just about the same time..AND SHE HAS HELP!!!!I on the otherhand don't have the attention....
A little might be nice though...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be contrary. These idiot girls needed someone to slap them upside the head and tell the that if they insist on acting like a grown up that they should actually grow up. All of this coddle-ing crap is just that. People younger than them have it figured out. Brit needs to shut her mouth and her legs and go home to Arkansas and take care of her kids. Anything else is unacceptable.