Thursday, February 01, 2007

It's Coming!

Its Coming!
2 weeks away!

I think, for the first time, in a long time. I might be looking forward to it!

Valentine's Day!

Got some soft heart socks for the Queen. I'll pick her up a little candy too!
Nanny Girl can get some Chocolate's.
And Mountain.........WEll Chocolate of course! He does have a terrible sweet tooth.
I told him I don't celebrate Valentine's day. And I don't really. I mean I guess I always have for Charlotte. Hmmmm. I suppose I just don't know!
I really expect nothing from him. We are still not 'together.' And I am still up in the air with what I am doing about it all. You know trying to fool myself and say I'm keeping my heart out of it. (haha) However, I just can't help myself but to get him something! Isn't that awful?
I am working Valentine's day and night anyhow. So really, any celebration he and I might have wouldn't happen till the weekend. And that's only if he's not with his other girl. She always comes first. Truthfully, I find myself jealous of that. Although I totally understand and him loving her is part of the reason I find myself so attracted to him. However, Jealous all the same.
So Valentine's......
I do frighten myself though.
Cause I am looking forward to it.
Any time I look forward to soemthing I tend to end up disapointed and hurt.
This is probably the time when he tells me he just can't continue seeing me anymore!
HuH. (ponder ponder ponder)
Well now. there was something I hadn't thought of yet. I better work on taking my Valentine's looking forwardness down a few notches.
I really do HATE surprises.


Anonymous said...

I am apparantly WAY out of the loop
MM has another girl?
I new you werent an 'item' but . . .
I have come to hate valentines day not just cause I always work but it doesnt mean anything. so what if some guy spends $200 on you on valentines day if he treats you crappy the rest of the year then so freaking what
my thoughts are that there are 365 days in the year and 300 of them I better be in love with you not so much cause you buy me overpriced dying flowers and fattening chocolate

Lee said...

so true bobbi!
lets be happy about this great gift thats high in monetary value, meanwhile the relationship is not so great.
What counts to people I guess. The appearance that things are great or the knowledge that things really are great.
I hope you are not hurt Kristi.
Expectations are where we end up getting hurt.

jewels said...

I think MM's other "girl" is a child!
And Ms. Kristi - if you aren't one for celebrating Valentines - why are you excited? Come on - admit it - you want something from him!!!
As for Valentines - I agree ladies - what a bunch of commercialized bullshit - BUT - on the other side of that - I used to be one of those people - in my defense - that was when I was dating and would spend a pay check on valentines crap - LOL! Boxers - lotions - balloons - sex toys - chains - ahhhh money well spent hey? I remember one year - man did Danielle and I ever go all out on our men - frick - what a waste! LOL - oh well - memories right - and a learning experience. But you are right - my man tells me and shows me all year that he loves me -

Kristi said...

All i really, truly want is acknowledgement. I know that sounds lame. But in an existance that has not ever had a big deal made......acknowledgmetn is Huge!
Like last year i got that donut shaped like a heart and all the men that were swooning for me came in just to say 'hi' That was cool.and that was just enough. I don't expect anymore from him.
Yes his other girl is a little girl.
Past...very past relationship with a single mom. He fell in love with her daughter and always makes time for the little girl.
I've never been one to spend a lot of Valentines. Most I;'ve ever done has been for Charlotte.
yes i am looking forward to it!
but i look forward to a lot of things now that I'm drugged and its not a struggle to see the glass half full all the time.
Lee~I'm sure I won't be hurt. My expectations are very low and protected. I work all day!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I hope you get something simple and nice.
Simple is best without fuss and expense I reckon.
It should be a fun night working though ... got cute little choc hearts to hand out?

Kristi said...

I will be picking up Kisses for the evening to hand out at work!

I am not going to worry myself.
I celebrate for my girls.
I Pick up something for Mountain strictly cause I want to. Not because I hope for soemthing in return. I do what I feel.
All I expect from him is a look of shock and surprise on his face. A hug and I nice big kiss!
He will rub my back like he does when his arms are around me and squeeze me tight.
That right there is more than enough for me. And YES it really truly is.

I am not hard to please. I am quite simple to please. Over the top stuff would make me feel uncomfortable I think. since I've never had over the top.....I am just guessing.
Oh wait....big did buy me that T.V jsut after Valentines one year.....but mine had bit the big green it was more of a need. And it was on sale. And he was always just so practical like that.