Sunday, February 18, 2007


I am requesting random opinions on this subject............

my Brother and Sister-in-law won a trip to Vegas thru my brothers,(my old) company. He went last year too. there';s a very good chance that he will win again next year as well cause all the contests for the company are fixed.
Anyhow....they are NOT taking their 4 month old son with them.
She is still breast feeding. NO there has never been a nursing problem.
They are gone for 5 days.
The Cob is staying at my mom's.
since my parents have theatre tickets on Friday night....The Queen and i will be there to babysit. But the rest of the time Cob is with my mom. A woman The cob has only spent time with at Christmas and a month ago for an evening.

Whats your take on it?
Just gathering HONEST opinions and information.....

I guess if you know already Know how I feel about it. Just wondered if maybe i was over-reacting or being too Baby anal.....


Family Of Five said...

Honestly??? My horribly opinionated self can't imagine how on earth a mother could leave! Perhaps I am too overprotective.... but I think it's horribly selfish. I waited to have kids till I was ready to give them my whole self, I don't see why on earth they wouldn't not go or bring baby with them. Yah, yah... vegas isn't the same with a baby... but there are still lots of fun things you can do! I don't think you are being too baby anal. 4 months old is a bit much to be in a completely different country than them. It's different going for an overnight a drive away....but that is too far and too long for such a little baby! I guess way back maternity leave was only like 3 months. I actually don't know if I would ever go on a holiday out of country till my kids are grown. Trips will be family trips... I know couple time is important too... but more than one night is way too much in my mind! Obviously she isn't breastfeeding anymore! She can pump but 5 days worth??? And then not pumping for 5 days will totally mess up the flow. I just think it's selfish.... they are only thinking of themselves. Sorry to seem cruel! Just my opinion!

Michelle said...

My opinion, for what it's worth is this.....If she is still nursing she might want to reconsider it. Since I never nursed my kids, I only an assume that it would not be so good to leave him that long unless she decides to stop nursing before they leave.

If he was a bottle baby...I don't see anything wrong with them going away without the baby. If he is being well taken care of, that's what matters. I don't know all he circumstances, obviously....but I would assume that they wouldn't make stupid choices concerning their baby? I don't think it's selfish at all to want to go on a trip without kids. Just because they do, doesn't make them bad parents.

And for the record, I have 3 GREAT kids and yes, my husband and I have gone away several times in the past without them. They were always well taken care of and, while of course, I worried (mother's instinct) I knew they would be just fine and I had an enjoyable time!

jewels said...

#1) 4 months is a little young - i could not do it -

#2) i would NEVER take a baby to vegas

#3) parents need a life too but perhaps they can wait until the Cob is like 14 months?

Shanna said...

Hmm the breast feeding situation does seem a little odd, but she may be thinking of stopping so who knows. Being the person that had to pump for 4 months, I get a little irked when people take it for granted, but thats just me being jealous.

I couldn't personally go away for that long yet, but I would like to be able to go away in the near future without Ryan. Especially if I had an option like your Mom. She may not have spent alot of time with him yet, but she is perfectly capable and trustworthy so its really not a bad choice. And he is young enough to adapt to the new person - not to say he won't miss parents but it won't shatter him as long as their is bottle prep being done.

Anonymous said...

This is only my opinion, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with that scenario. The baby is obviously being left in capable hands. If she was leaving him with a stranger, then yes it would be different, but with family (and especially your mother)is O.K. She could use the break away, and this may be her last chance to go anywhere for a long time. My parents took my 6 month old son away for 4 days to see my granparents and it was a nice break, and it didn't harm him or me in anyway. Sorry FOF, but I honestly don't think that this is selfish of them, life doesn't have to stop just because you have kids.

Great question Kristi, I'm sure you will get a lot of feedback on this one.

Colleen from Ont(long time reader)

Anonymous said...

Wow, after reading my comment I hope I didn't sound to harsh?? We all have our own opinion. Right??


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry. I agree with Family of Five on this. That is very selfish of both parents to leave their baby with a stranger. Grandparent or not means nothing to this child. He has only had brief meetings with her. They might as well leave him with a neighbor. This child will go through awful separation anxiety. Doesn't your brother live far away? Is your mom going there?

Gary said...

Actually, I can't decide. I guess that means I wouldn't make a good mother.

Anonymous said...

Um ...too young and how the hell can she take the boob away cold turkey..not only for the Cob but her own comfort!or should I say massive discomfort!!!!I had a hard enough time leaving a 6 month old bottle fed baby with his 2 yr old brother and father for 2 nights and one day!!!!!BUT...that's just me.

....he's still getting used to his 'world' and needs mommy's smell and touch that's all he knows.

Family Of Five said...

I guess I just don't understand when so many people say "Life doesn't have to stop because you have kids" or "Parents need a life too" and I don't understand why 'life' can't include kids too. They are people they too love going on trips and staying in hotels. We always went on trips together as a family! My parents got breaks when we went for sleepovers at my grandparents but they never went out of the country without us. I do have a 'life' mine just includes my kids. They go to bed early hubby and I get lots of time just us while the kids are sleeping. I use the word selfish because they are doing what they want to do not what is best for all of them (age appropriate, breasfeeding appropriate etc).

Anonymous said...

Far be it from me not to share a heated opinion
Its not like she is going for a month its FIVE days
maybe she is going crazy in her own skin who knows but they should not be judged for leaving him with the grandparents
I went back to work when both my kids were 3 months old and with the oldest went on a week long business trip days after returning to work
if anyone would like to tell me I am a bad and uncaring and selfish mother fine but look at my happy healthy well adjusted kids and tell me its so bad

Anonymous said...

The nursing thing does add a wrinkle. If the baby can bottle feed, then it may not be a problem. Love your kids but take time for “you” and the marriage. Just my 2 sense.

Kristi said...

a night without both parents is one thing......5 a little much

Leah said...

I only left Tay for 1 night at a time after she was 6 months old and she was bottle feed. That's just me...

Family Of Five said...

I agree Kristi! Also being a couple hour drive away is different than being a whole couple hour plane ride + customs away!

shari said...

I think 5 days is a lot. I think a night or two would be fine but 5 days is a long time.