Friday, September 14, 2007

no Light

My livingroom lamp was the only fatality when I moved.
I'm glad it was just a lamp. a Replaceable lamp.
and for now it looks really pretty in my house in the evenings. I sit in my LR with all my candles lit. Everything twinkling. However.....I can really see this being an issue. Especially as the nights get longer. buy a new one you say.
I would love to. But the one I want I can't afford right this moment and I refuse to bring anymore unuseable stuff into this house!
So here I sit, twinkling lights all around. Romance every night in my LR. sister came over last night..........
Oh a Funny Story!
Sister wants to be the scariest house on her street for Halloween.
So she has bee spending ridiculous amounts of Mastercard money.
Yesterday she picked up a Fog Machine.
Now Sister works in a Mall. but she had to try the machine. Well to make sure it worked of course!
Shortly after herself and her staff saw how it worked.........the fire alarm for the mall went off. She of course called down to Mall security to let them know it was her Fog Machine excitement. They misunderstood her sarcasm and humour. 3 Fully geared Firefighters showed up to save them all.
Of course they asked to speak to the Sister stepped forward Smoke billowing out from behind her.
It was the excitement of her new toys! she couldn't help it.
The Fog Macnine works good.
Her house will be scary.
The other day she showed up at my work cause she had a scary, creepy life sized gremlin type guy with glowy red eyes in the passengers seat of her car.
Life is fun isn't it?

Happy Friday All!


Family Of Five said...

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

steph said...

LMAO!!! That is sooo your sis!

shari said...

LOL... yup

Winnie said...

Wow..I like the part about the firefighters!!!