Tuesday, November 27, 2007


so I have announced that I am baking this weekend for Christmas.
Well i dawned on me last night I only ever make 3 things. Cause its always just been Charlotte and i and she has to like and eat what I make.
So now..............
I don't know what to make!!


If you have a fav recipe or one that is a winner everytime. Please share!

what I am doing this weekend, is shortbread and Eskimo cookies along with the Gingerbread house.

What Special treat Screams Christmas to you?!


Anonymous said...

Here in New Zealand it is a delicious dessert called Pavlova. You might be able to Google it and get a nice recipe. Absolutely scrumptious .... and very fattening! Lol!

Kristi said...

well if its fattening it must be good!