Sunday, January 06, 2008

Ball Park it For me

I am pondering - dreaming really, of a new bedroom.
14 x 14 maybe..............
an addition....
a fireplace would be nice. Not a gas one. One of those fancy electric heaters disguised by a fireplace front. Far off in the REM state, a bathroom. Ensuite. (but thats really dreaming) Definatly a heat source. Windows, closets, walls.......
how much do you think i could get me one of them for?
I am currently in a 10'8 x 9'10, I am telling you........IT'S TOOO fFFFKING SMALL!!!! Ugh!
Anyhow.....I pulled 14 x 14 out of the air. It sounds nice***
if I can manage it much do you think it'll cost?
Yes. Mouldings and all.


Anonymous said...

oooh, jeez I dont know.

Lee said...

oops that was me, I dont know why I didnt sign me in ??

liz said...

I think it cost us $40,000 to add two rooms for the kids. However it is different with a trailer, you won't need a four foot crawl space it can probably be built on a concrete slab.

shari said...

Really depends on quality of materials you use and quality of labor you hire. REally way too many variants to even ball park it.

Either way though... think thousands...

Kristi said...

i'm thinking 10

Winnie said...

if you think 10..add on 5 for anything unexpected

Kristi said...


i don't even know if I can get a line of credit yet and i am already spending the money

shari said...

bonus about being a homeowner is home equity loans... =)

just remember that you will want to make sure that whatever you invest in the house is recoverable. In other words, that you will actually increas the values of your home.

Do you own your pad, or lease?

Kristi said...

rent darling