Thursday, January 03, 2008

a New 2008

I've been reading my friends blog's at the changes and what 2007 was for them. It was a hard year for some. For others just another year.
My 2007 was a year of change and healing.
I bring 2008 in heading on yet another journey opening my mind and learning about the changes that took place in 2007.
- the pinks-
started me off and carried me through most of the year on a fluffy cloud. Coming off them was quite the trip. I don't think they were finally really out of my blood stream till the fall. Sometimes still not. The drug sits in your fat cells. Dormant - so to speak. So as i lose more wieght.....they will pop up and take me for yet another spin! Life on the edge. What a Thrill
-wieght gain-
2007 saw me heavier than I have ever been.
At the top of my wieght gain in the summer i was up by 15lbs and still gaining! May not be much for any of you....but for me. Yikes! After sitting around the same size and wieght since highschool this was a HUGE shock. I have now managed to drop a solid 5lbs and hope to work on a healthier lifestyle to get down a bit more.
I am also trying my damndest at self-talk to like this new body that I have. Cause there is a good chance I might not lose. Age and stuff.
The Pinks changed a lot of my metabolism. I'm 2 yrs from 40. Not as active a job. I am very comfortable with my relationship.
We saw 2007 in together with a bang!
We watched it go together with a kiss.
Our relationship has grown and grown. We have and are still learning so much about each other. he is one of the most wonderful people to have ever come into my life. I am soo happy with him. Minus the 1 and only issue we seem to have at this point. But through that issue we have both learned how each other works and deals with stuff. We have returned keys and then given them back. WE have and are still accepting on the fact that WE aren;t going anywhere. He is my partner. A true partner. No matter what happens, we will be by each others side. ItS a big conclusion to come to and just accept. So the yuck that we experience because of 'the issue' we will experience togehter. We will yell, discuss, scream and fight about it, but in the end we will be there together doing what we need to do. The 'issue' is big enough to tear us apart. and I don't know what will come of it. but hopefully we can reach our middle ground soon.
for every step back we or he takes 2 steps forward.
I bought my very first home in 2007!!
The beginning of what was planned out to be an exciting summer for Charlotte and i. I'd just bought a pool. We had planned a wonderful holiday. Money finally saved and put aside for it. The house that we had been renting for 5 years sold.
We were given an eviction notice Monday July 16th. After a day of feeling shitty....i got my chin up off the ground and dealt with it!
On Thursday August 16th 2007 i had taken possesion of my new home.
OUr week of holidays were spent moving. We were all the way in by August 27th
We moved a half acre of yard stuff and 2000 square feet of inside house stuff to our little 900 square foot pad. After a few garage sales and tears we are here!
Our first Mortgage. I bring in 2008 with paint chips laying in the bathroom, getting ready for my first little project to give this a wee bit of Kristi. Charlotte's Blue Chandelier laying in the living room paint chips all around it as well. I'm painting her ceiling Blue! Its mine. I will do what I want with it!!! HA!
i missed a lot last year. I tried. and I was there, but the Pinks kept me lost a lot.
I pushed my parenting aside in a sense, and that is so awful. She is 9 now. Hard to believe. she is a very wonderful little girl. but her schooling is suffering. I am doing my best to step in and step it up to help her. Mountain is doing his part as well. With use of something to motivate her (Guitar Hero) and the sitting with and extra homework type stuff at home.......i hope we can find a way to make school and learning, interesting for her.
Piano is excelling! Her new teacher this year is Male, Carlos. He is fantastic! She just sits here and plays. She has found a true love for music and has also discovered she is good at it! She sings beautifully and has such a natural talent with her fingers and rythm. I Love It!
-my hair-
I did something I've Never done before. I turned myself into a brunette! ~photos on fotoblog~
its a washout. so its going to look really bad by next week. But I thought.....why the hell not? My hairdresser said it would be fine to do and I could still donate! But only if I use the Non-Permanent stuff. so I did it. Very drastic. But why not.
i have re-connected and deepened some major friendships this past year. Relationships are a lot of work. Sometimes Friends fight. it happens. Other times we annoy the Carp out of one another. Thats life. Yell at each other and work it thru. Friendships are sooo important. Honesty. Acceptance. Love. When a hand reaches out the reaching back.....even if all you can do is say I love you. Sometimes we can't help each other sometimes we can. Maybe its the one person that can truly 'see' you. As one friend might be able to talk you thru a certain problem another can't. We all enhance each other with our strenghts and weaknesses. People that you see or talk to only once a year but its like you've never parted. My ladies.
Every Single one of You!!! you are important to me. EAch of you carries with you a piece of me and I of you.

I am embracing 2008 with some neat changes.
i can harldy wait till spring when I can get out into my yard and make it look like me!
my Mountain and I are just growing and living. Our committment to one another so clear.
My little girl will age into double digits! her changes, hormones, maturity will grow by leaps and bounds in 2008. I want to be incredibly present for all of it!

All Change is good. there is always a silver lining. It may hurt or be devestating, but all can be learned from. Maybe simply just not doing that again!

Well its a good thing I am wrapping this up.
Kid is needing her Mommy! What perfect timing.

Blog On Dudes


TK said...

Let me be the first friend to comment on your blog this year! Happy New Year!! I proclaim your blog as living proof that things get better and better as we age!!

Hugs Kristi!

Tom KElly

Anonymous said...

Good for you ... what a great recap of the year just gone and a hugely positive start to 2008. Sounds like it's up/up and win/win.

Kristi said...

thanks tom. Things can get better!

Happy New Year to you too!

happy new Year to you as well Aggie