Thursday, February 21, 2008

~I don't believe in marriage~




Anonymous said...


jewels said...

me either!


its just ME said...

I hate it when they say that.........

Shanna said...

And he drops that bomb now....awesome!

Kristi said...

i don't even know what to say......

Apparently "making a life together" has differnt meanings

He and I will be talking some more tonight.

Too many thoughts. Too much numbness has taken over. So many sacrifices of things I think are Funky for the greater goal - a life of growing old and fat together as husband and wife.

"girlfriend" 5-10-20 years......

Fuck that! I can be doing that with someone shallow and rich.

Family Of Five said...

I think lots of guys are especially if they haven't had positive experiences. Divorce, or see a guy 'trapped'.......
Every one is different. For me the term girlfriend or boyfriend was around in grade 7.... it feels Insignificant... not someone you are whole heartidly committed to. I am naieve though......
For me I wanted to be husband and wife... I wanted the assurance that someone was going to stand by me through the terrible times and not give up... I wanted to all have the same last name.... however there are never any guarantees. Only you know in your heart what you need to make your life complete.

steph said...

BRUTAL! Maybe he could've mentioned all this on the night of the "mountain" perhaps then you could have pushed him off and saved yourself a world of hurt....

Anonymous said...

steph you always have the BEST ideas

Kristi said...

Is That His Bottom Line.....thats what I need to know.

jewels said...

did he say why?

Kristi said...

soemthing about religion......

we have yet to revisit the topic....

steph said...

This I gotta hear!!!!

Kristi said...

Its all good!

had The Talk a couple hours ago.

its NOT his bottom line. We will be married and grow old and fat together on the porch as husband and wife!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have it sorted.