Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Well.  it shut down on my twice lat night for no apparent reason.  Hmmmmm.  I did a software update....visited the Apple site.....did I get a Lemon?  
we'll see.
its October!  Holy carp!  I have so much to do!  Charley's Birthday is in Exactly a month.  I gotta get a party planned.  WE have to get our pictures done.  Halloween i only a few weeks away!  I have 3 weekends.  I better get my shit toghter.  Thats not a lot of time.  Thanksgiving is this weekend and I am working.  Bleck!  All day Sunday.  but I get Monday off so that is nice.  I guess I better get in touch with Sears today to make a portrait date for next weekend.  Wow.  What is Charlotte going to be for Halloween?
Ack!  its my nephews 2nd birthday today!  I better phone him too.

holy Smokes a restful sleep much?  not last ngiht.  Looks like i woke with a bag full of anxiety to dig around in.  
well, i will have fun with that.  Thanks ladies for e-mailing me random.  I am still trying to figure out this address book thing.  What a pain.  Did i set it up wrong???  as soon as i mail somebody it remembers.  But there is no actual book or it seems way to add addresses withou0t mailing first.  How wierd.  I'll visit the support line about that now too.

Blog On Dudes!

1 comment:

steph said...

Interesting... There is a learning curve on them, they are different.