Tuesday, December 09, 2008


I'm excited that i might actually be having a normal cycle this month!  The first time since  summer or something.......  YaY!  We'll have to see.  So far so good.  I have a theory about this whole thing.  I mean Everything happens for a reason, right?  and up until now and even noe but not as much as before......Mntn and I were really at odds about this Leah Tea thing.  but Since we went to counselling, even though not much was accomplished in the session, there has been a lot accomplished out side of the session.  So I figure once this Carp is all good......well everything happens for a reason.

My other theory is that once Mntn and I are actually married he will see a lot of changes in Leah's actions too.  I think that whole thing will shift and change.  

We had an argument just the other night.  I found out, he can't read between the lines.  Something i'd learned before quite some time ago.  But I figured he must be able to just a little.  Like any man can.  Don't expect him to do it like a woman, but c'mon.  Every man can just a little.  NOPE.  not one teeny, tiny little bit.  Example - when I was upset after being at the doctors.  I posted.  I felt old broken ect.  I was off into space when he was here.  Making remarks about the acne he is breeding that that will probably be the only thing he breeds.  Stuff like that.  I had also told him I was upset by the doctor.  Yet he really didn't get to the extreme that I was sad.  Just thought my comments were wierd?  WTF!  He really didn't even clue in that I was devastated that I have not been ovulating, that my period was 8 days late and that I was scared that was it FOREVER!    Me Sobbing into his chest didn't seem to clue him up either.  Are you DAft man?  
Anyhow, my point being.  That explains a lot to why and how it is that he just takes Leah at her word.  He can't see her motivations cause he can't see the obvious unless it is spoken to him.
anyhow, i must go.
Christmas is coming and I need to get the Queen up and Ready as well as myself.

Blog On!


steph said...

um... Congratulations on menstrating... Keep up the good work!

Kristi said...


yah thanks. I'll do my best!