Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'd like To be 35 again

I think I am going deaf.  My hearing is going.  Has been off and on for a bit.  Since October.  It was really bad yesterday.  Today it seems a bit better.  Its very frustrating.  I am exhausted and just want to stay in bed.  This last year in my 30's is not really very nice so far.  I am determined to be super hot and in great shape for the turning of the decade.  Its not going so well.  I am so tired.  Anyhow..........

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jewels said...

that\s what happened to me - my ears were plugged and i was SO TIRED - and now i have pneumonia - watch out

Kristi said...

I'm afraid I am just old

just some dude said...

You're younger than me and just as hot as ever! ;-)

Kristi said...


Yes I've been hot.......LoL!

thanks NJ, but I don't feel all too sexy anymore