Friday, April 17, 2009


So I asked him.
I asked him why is it that Tea is suddenly allowed to be in my presence again.  He said he figures Leah has lightened up and its back to normal.  That meaning, Tea is allowed here but she can't spend the night.  (so fucked up)
I asked him why her change of heart.  I havn'et changed.  She said I was a crazy pyscho bitch.  I still am.  She said she figured I don't like her kid.  So if she figured all that then what has changed that she suddenly says its ok?  He doens't seem to know.  I told him he better figure it out, cuz as it looks from here is that Leah needs all her weekends back.  Not just every second one, or that gramma needs her weekends back.
but after thinking about this for the last couple days this is what I have come up with..........
NO.  Tea is not allowed to come here.  She is used as a pawn by her mother.   She makes everyone, including herself, uncomfortable in MY home.   I find the whole thing creepy and unhealthy and I don't want to be associated with it or enable Leah's bad parenting choices.  and What happens when Leah decides she wants soemthing?  She will use the kid as a power play as she has so many times in the past.   Suddenly deciding, for instance, once again that Tea is not allowed here anymore.  Then all of us are left hurt and then I am angry.
Forget it.  I am not getting on That emotional roller-coaster again!
I don't have control(control being the wrong word, but for lack of a better description at the moment) over who Mntn chooses as friends or who he chooses to "hang out" with.  Even though some of his choices are incredibly disrespectful to my feelings, you can't make someone "get it"  if they jsut don't.  But, I can control what comes and goes in my home and how it affects my family.
none of this is good for anybody.  Tea included.
Any connection with this woman is upsetting to me.  She is an unhealthy individual and i can't stand being a part or knwoing about the choices she makes in her life.  
Any connection I can delete is the best choice for this family.
Nobody bothered to ask ME if it was okay that Teaghan comes here and spends the day.  Nobody asked Charlotte if she has any plans and would like to play with Tea this weekend.
and guess what?
its not

so I have tossed the Ball up and into his court to get to the bottom of this change of heart.  I am sure he isn't and thinks this is all just fine.
The Ball is in his court, lets see what he does with it.  and then i will tell him the rest of my thoughts on the matter

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