Friday, May 08, 2009


I am so torn about this election

on the one hand the NDP wants to raise minimum wage.  That will hurt small business.  My hours alone will be cut by 5( correction - 9 ) a week!  I shudder to think what that will do to prices of things and how many other places will just go out of business.
on the other hand the Liberals want to bring in All-Day Kindergarten.  Something I think is utterly ridiculous.  Our little ones being required, at 4 and 5 years old to sit in school!  They are in school their whole lives as it is.  They want to institutionalize children further in an institution that is already letting our children down!  When do kids get to be kids now?  and they want to jail them further?  Children need to be kids and they need to run and play, to take that from them at such a young age.......

UGH!  I don't know who to vote for

1 comment:

jewels said...

being a teacher, i am definitely bias & believe it is time for a change. my advice - do your research and go with your gut.