Monday, July 13, 2009

bad day

this has just been a bad day.

on Saturday i washed my kitchen floor, scrubbed my bathroom from top to bottom, vacuumed, went to mom and dad to celebrate daddy's 65th.  Went in the pool.  WAlked down to the river so that Charley could show me the coolness she found.  Helped my mom clean up supper dishes.......
yesterday I got 'stuck'  while turning my head to shoulder check over the left shoulder.  Frig that hurt.  My eyes even watered.  I turned and then BAM!  i couldn't turn back.
so today i tried since yesterday to call someone in - i ended up working cuz there was no one.
I am tired of this.  Tired of feeling better than not.  Tired of losing my summer!  I want to go to Harrison for icecream and a walk on the beach with C.  I want to go to the waterslides.  I want to be able to go to Barkerville!  Right now it is looking like non of that is going to happen.
I am very sad and depressed.
I am missing out on summer with my girl.  Even though I have all this time now - I don't have money to do anything cuz I am not working and there is so much I just can't put myself out there to do.
Frig!  I'm annoyed

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