Wednesday, August 12, 2009


my 10 year old has asked me how old she needs to be till she can date?



Family Of Five said...

We have friends who have a 15 year old daughter who isn't allowed to date till they feel she is mature enough to be able to say 'no' if put in a compromizing situation. They are thinking about grade 12.

I would say something like .... "I won't even have that discussion till at least 13. At 13 we can have a discussion about it and see where you are at for maturity."

steph said...

I.... I.....OMG.... I can't believe that she asked you that already??? Like she wants to date a boy????? Or like group dates with a bunch of kids going to a movie or something???

Kristi said...

Group stuff -

the boy that she has had a crush on for at least 2 years lives 3 doors away. They spent yesterday riding bikes and looking for snakes. He comes from a VERY large split family. Lots of sisters and brothers that are older.
I told her group dating might be ok when she is 14 or 15 but it would be up for much discussion and total veto if i don't approve of the group and especially the boy! I also told her it would depend on where she is at as her own person.
There would of course be an interview with me, alone. Myself, Lyle or another parent would be driving them there - waiting till they go in to the movie and then waiting when they got out.
(secretly of course buying a ticket and sitting in the back row as a spy)
Charley is pretty wise girl. She's modest and makes good decisions......most of the time. She is a pretty darn responsible 10 almost 11 year old. She's coming up to her teen years a strong self assured young woman. We'll see what happens when the insecurities of puberty creep in.

So anyhow - yah. Bound to happen and be questions given her situation and especially since her own mom dates - I am just grateful that she is able to talk to me and not be afraid. I am also grateful that I am able to talk to her calmly when stuff like this comes up! and that I have answers

liz said...

She might just be wondering what the rules are. My daughter asked me that once and I looked at her and said 'do you want to date?' She said no, she just wanted to know what age she was allowed. I think probably others girls were talking about it.

Kristi said...


Shes checking out her boundry's. Turns out, she's got some and it made her happy to know that both Lyle and i had some expectations. We discussed it as a family at dinner that night.
She walked away feeling good about it all.
She doens't want to date either, but she doens't want to tell the boy taht. She'll look dumb. So saying that she can't is waaay better.
She's entering peer pressure times.