Friday, December 25, 2009

i really did get a wireless mouse for my computer

that was it

nope not even so much as a chocolate - just this mouse that I am using -

i opened ONE gift from him


Family Of Five said...

I'll share what my little boy told me...... "I don't need presents for Christmas, I only need your love"
Hubby and I don't get any presents for or from eachother.....

Kristi said...

I'll be honest - this comment pisses me off
mostly cuz i am just mad and disapointed. I know it sounds like a selfish present grubbing post ........

its not the only 1 gift thing. I was full on expecting a ring.

but in its place he gave me a wireless mouse for the computer?

if we had agreed on no presents that would be fine.
not more than 6 weeks ago we went and looked at the ring I had chosen. He wanted to see it. He wanted to womans card. He wanted the details of the sale. He has been using the word 'engaged' or 'married' at least once a day in conversation for the past couple weeks. We talked about our wedding day and guests just a couple weeks ago also. He wanted to know when it is that I'd like to set the date for. He has recited conversations he's had with people about proposing to me and the people that have asked about coming to our wedding. He has asked about where we would put his mom up when she comes for the wedding ............ ect. ect.

even though i knew it was a wireless mouse that he wrapped - I thought maybe he just used the box and my ring is inside. Maybe he had it in the car like the rest of Charlotte's gift.............
Even up to the part where he was searching for it under the tree cuz he was excited for me to open it! Even up to that point ........... a wireless mouse?
so he didn't want to give me a ring. Couldn't afford it. Maybe he is making payments? his master plan is to give it to me another way or day or ...... I don't know ........ but i feel as though I have been led to believe something else. and to tid me over with a mouse?
I know I am being selfish
Now I have to be pleasant when he goes tomorrow?
He even Chatted with HER on the phone yesterday in the mid-afternoon! and I am supposed to be ok

I am not okay
this is not okay
his word is shit and means nothing.
all of these feelings I have kept to myself. He doens't have a clue. I am and have been quiet and distant from him since yesterday - but he thinks its becasue I am really tired.

I just don't know where to put it yet. My feelings. I don't know how to filter this yet and to top it off he is going to that place tomorrow. with this disapointment to top it off ..............

Kristi said...

there was somehting I neglected to mention about the computer mouse ................... HE broke the original mouse about 8 months ago and said he'd replace it. I put it back together and having been using it carefully ever since. Waiting for him to replace what he busted by smashing it on the desk when it wouldn't work how he wanted it to

steph said...

It doesn't matter why you are disappointed... You just are and I am so sorry. I really wish I had a closer friendship with him so I could have led him down the path... He really seems to need a guide!

jewels said...

i am going to be honest too - that is a really crappy Christmas gift!
i get what you are saying FOF - and that would have been great had that idea been discussed ahead of time. but everyone - and i dont care how much love you have - everyone likes to get gifts! and when it comes from your boyfriend - it should be a little romantic.
i am sorry krisi -
i would kick his ass if i could.
(PS - even my husband agrees)

Kristi said...

i had been hinting about CoCo Chanel with the thought in my mind that what if he didn't or doens't get me a ring - CoCo Chanel would be nice - as I was trying to keep it lite before Christmas and keep the pressure off ........... a mouse?

i kept waiting for him to pull out a small box from his housecoat after I'd opened the mouse. Thinking he;s done this to create a moment -


and if he's doing it at some other time - thats fine - but I feel as though he built up this Time to be THE TIME

even just now he was staring at me in the kitchen while I was drying dishes. I asked him what's up - he said nothin' just looking at a beautiful woman - then he came over and kissed me.
nice - but i feel like ....................

i don't know. I am being silly I suppose. ruining it for myself .......... making it into more than .............. *sigh*

Kristi said...

then there is the thought that ................ he didn't even get it!!!

which would be dumb considering it was the one I liked AND it was on a major sale price! like 50%

so then I truly am creating my own crap hoping for something that doens't even Exist!

Family Of Five said...

I get it. I totally remember making an ass out of myself being a spoiled, pouty girl before I got engaged. I too thought I would get it at Christmas.... I didn't.... he wanted to wait till after and have it be a day all to itself. I wanted to go look at the ring I loved and he wouldn't let me.... I was mad... later I found out he had bought it. I guess.... it means a lot more when it's unexpected, when it's a total surprise... and maybe when you stop waiting and expecting it..... then it will happen.
The romance... I don't get it. I don't do romantic. Seems like a waste of money. I am my father's daughter! I always get things like tires, sheets, tide, frying pans.... for my presents. I like practical. My dad has always only bought practical. Usually my dad even makes me buy my own presents and pays me back for them. :) Doesn't bother me. I buy my hubby things like boxers and undershirts for his Birthday. I guess I'm just not very exciting! LOL!

I'm sorry you were dissapointed for Christmas! My comment wasn't meant to piss you off.... I just have 2 friends who lost a parent just before Christmas and recite how family truly is the best gift of all.... they would give all the presents in the world back just to have their family back.... and sometimes we loose site of what is really important.

jewels said...

you are right FOF - family is important - and after my little ordeal in the hospital (kidney failure after sugery) i get how lucky we all are to be here.
that being said -
Kristi is trying to "create" her family -
Hopefully you are right
Hopefully he is waiting for a special moment.
But how long do you wait Kristi??


Kristi said...

I know you didn't mean to make me get my back up.

Its me - not you. I am in a bad place.

practical gifts are truly my favorite. Things that i can use. Frig - I got him socks underwear bedclothes, soap, but also a killing game for his DS and another toy I found that he loves to enjoy!
expectations had been built and created for me - by both of us ............

then they were dashed

the family Christmas was wonderful. I didn't miss a beat from Charley climbing into bed with us to open her sock at 7AM to cooking breakfast after present opening was done. I continued on with my day as i got so of Charlotte's gifts going and enjoying them with her before mntns dad got here at 11:30 to spend the next 8 hrs. I fed entertained and made sure it was special for everyone. My Sister & her Hubby came with their dog - i even made it special for the dog.
but practical with a mouse that he was supposed to replace anyway ...................

Steph's right he needs guidance. Like I have mentioned many, Many times before ............ his friends ............... they really don't provide him with the best opinions.

That coupled with - he's going to his "other" family tomorrow jsut makes the disapointment that much greater.

I am being spoiled and a poopy pants, but I just feel like it was set-up to go a different direction and I am really let down. and he is too stoopied to realize it! or realize what he hasn't done!

and you had kidney failure Erin? Holy CArp and shit! i am glad you are ok

steph said...

I can get the non-engagement thing. I mean really Christmas is it's own day and with everything else happening it can be a lot.. Plus I can see him asking you with your parents or friends or someone around. The mouse though??? Totally LAME! Especially since there are a million things he could have done and he BROKE your original one! TOTAL BUNK GIFT! I would say something, seriously that would be to much for me to keep in.

Family Of Five said...

Yes. I do agree it was a cheap-I gift! But hey, maybe he is broke from buying something else. :) you just gotta train him a bit. When Hubby and I bought for eachother I would print off or cut out specific ideas with store names and prices for him to choose from.

Kristi said...

fine broke fine - the mouse he was supposed to replace?

and she's been calling today - 4 times to be exact - for a personal favor


he is NOT here right now

i blew a gasket
lets get real. my anger about the non-gift is totally springboarded by the fact that he is going there tomorrow and the relationship that is going on. Its Fucking Bullshit!

yet I am possesive and controlling. Fine So Be it! I'm pissed off and you don't get to go spend a "few" hours with kid and her family. Its total bullshit!

Family Of Five said...

I totally agree! I too would be pissed about him going to spend Christmas with her family!! Were you even invited? Or he just goes off without you?
See.... now that I think is a much bigger issue than the gifts.....
I think it's totally disrespectful to you and your relationship!

Kristi said...

purposely excluded -

I wouldnt be nearly as pissed about "the mouse" if he wasnt going THERE today. and The for her to call yesterday ....... he was napping and I watched his phone ring 2 out of the 4 that it did. Tempted to answer..........but it could have been the kid calling.
i knew it wasn't. He talkd to both of them on Christmas day!! and now Leah is calling for a personal favor! BULLSHIT!!!! she is Far to comfortable doing that. but he thinks its just me in my little world. I am crazy, possesive and controlling and ALL his friends think so! he couldn't name any of them, but they do! All the ones that know me as a matter of fact - interesting, cuz I don't know any of his friends but one - and she agrees with me sooooooo.........BULLSHIT!