Thursday, February 25, 2010

Potty Trained

here's soemthing that came up when i was at my Sister's the other day ............ my nephew ........ The Cob ......... who is 3 1/2 ............ is not potty trained.
and I don't mean, he wears underwear and has accidents. He is full on NOT going on the potty. They keep him in pull-ups and he shits himself. From what I understand, they haven't done anything that has to do with the potty with him. Not even trying ........

does that not seem odd to you?


its just ME said...

it sounds like they are waiting for him to potty train himself??
I was sick of dealing with diapers, I wanted mine trained ASAP!

Family Of Five said...

None of my kids started potty training till 3 years.

Kristi said...

i dunno - he is very nearly 3 1/2 and according to rumour - they havne't even started yet.

i wouldn't be ok with it. if they are I guess thats fine. and i don't know fersure what is going on - its all just heresay.......
but thats poo. Full on poo. I'm so not into that. She had the potty down by 3 1/2. Poo accidents, sure. but the #1 was down by the time she was 3!
but she was in daycare full time so its differnt.